Welcome to Another #BuildNewcrest Challenge

I am the AemaSimming (pronounced The "Aim"-A-Simming, in case it looks too confusing). I am way behind in the times in comparison to other SimLit writers but having just recently been able to purchase the Sims 4 for myself and also because I want to have a creative outlet, I decided I wanted to try writing a Legacy SimLit. 

I will be following the Newcrest Challenge Rules as created by SimplyVanillaSims, although after reading a few other Newcrest Challenges for inspiration I am sure that at some point, in order to keep the story and my interest going, I may stray slightly from them as the generations continue.

Also I would like to note that I was heavily influence byPlumbob's Bloomer Legacy which you can find here. She is an amazing writer and I took quite a few pointers from reading her story before I began mine. This is not to say that I will be trying to copy her stories but that I will be trying my best to emulate the amazing storytelling from what she said about doing her own in author's notes and other forums I read.

As a female writer I will be beginning with a female founder but I do not intend for it to be a matriarchy throughout this legacy and will choose heirs based on how well they fit the particular generation's goals. As stated by the rules, heirs and spares will have their first two traits randomized using Sims 4 Legacy Random Trait Generator, and toddlers will have their trait randomized using Sims 4 Legacy Toddler Trait Random Generator. Though the third trait will be selected by me to help them better fit the Legacy's Generational Goals.

Please forgive me my sins and keep reading and of course please offer creative and helpful criticism as you see fit. As a writer, feedback is always helpful.

**Update 2/20/18
A few chapters into this story and I am realizing I am not the type of person who is completely able to sit back and allow my Sims to do as they like. So for sake of complete transparency, I want it known I will be using MC Command Center and Pose Player in order to obtain certain screenshots throughout my stories.

I really wanted to try to have a story be more Sim based but have realized I have a hard time not micromanaging my sims. So at this point, I would say its 75% story based, 25% Sim whim based. It's something I will be trying to work on but I will most likely revert when there is a certain element that I want to bring in for the sake of the story.

Also I recently was able to purchase Get to Work, Spa Day and Outdoor Patio Stuff on sale at Target as a little gift to myself and will be incorporating them into the story probably beginning more as the 2nd generation takes over.

Generation 1 - Adaleigh McGinnis

1.8 Birth and Death of a Cowplant
1.9 The Plans
1.10 So Lucky
1.11 Triple Birthdays
1.12 School Days, Garden Days
1.13 Moving Day
1.14 Housewarming Dinner
1.15 Teenage Celebration
1.16 Newcrest Park & Garden
1.17 The Dinner
1.18 Next Generation of Ideas
1.19 Presentations
1.20 Heir McGinnis, Part 1
1.21 Heir McGinnis, Part 2

Generation 2 - Cameron McGinnis

2.1 Growing Up McGinnis
2.2 F.I.N.E. (Feeling's Inside Not Expressed)
2.3 Who to Trust
2.4 Decisions of Emotion
2.5 Not My Secret to Tell
2.6 Always Brothers
2.7 Night To Remember
2.8 All the Symptoms Point To...
2.9 Bringing Home Madeline
2.10 Will You Stay...?
2.11 Deciding Our Future
2.12 Inspiration Will Strike
2.13 Special Surprise
2.14 Put Some Life Back in Living
2.15 Not Part of the Plan
2.16 New Avenues
2.17 Fit For A Wedding
2.18 Marrying My Best Friend
2.19 Today's the Day
2.20 Around the McGinnis House
2.21 Terrifyingly Wonderful
2.22 Building Newcrest
2.23 Love By Any Other Name
2.24 Last Meal
2.25 Just Breath

Interlude - MSSSC September Entry: Seeds of Innocence


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