2.2 F.I.N.E. (Feelings Inside Not Expressed)
Despite being passed over by the Sim Coucil as the next heir of the McGinnis Legacy, Collin seemed to be happy enough. He and Myla appeared to be getting more and more serious and they often walked to Collin's house together after school.
His after school work, while not exciting, at least left him a few hours to hang out and sometimes Myla even came by his work to buy some fries and malt. Every day they spent together Collin knew that he was falling in love with her. But he dreaded telling her that he was not the new heir.
As the eldest, most people expected that he would be the next Mayor. It was all the talk at school that soon it would be announced officially. Boy, was everyone in his class going to be surprised when they came to the big Birthday Bash.
After having walked home from school together again, Collin and Myla found themselves standing outside of the McGinnis Ranch. Today though was different. Today, the legacy was on Collin's mind and he needed to clear some things up. At least with Myla.
Because she was important.
"There's something I have been meaning to talk to you about." Collin began cautiously. "I mean it's something that I have been thinking about for a while and dealing with for a while and I have been meaning to tell you..."
"Oh, really, me too..." she smiled her big beautiful smile and her doe brown eyes glimmered in the sunlight expectantly.
"It hasn't been officially announced yet," he continued and Myla frowned for a second before her forehead relaxed and she nodded.
"The Legacy," she said nodding with understanding, a small amount of disappointment underneath.
Collin continued not aware of the undercurrent, so focused on what he was thinking and saying. "Only my family knows the final decision of the Sim Council so far. But I want you to be one of the first ones to hear.... from me." He looked at her face trying to gauge what she was thinking.
Mostly, to him, she looked amused, as if she wasn't sure where he was going with what he was saying.
"...so you're not going to be the next Mayor of Newcrest." Myla said. Her expression was blank though so Collin couldn't tell if she was disappointed or just stunned.
Stunned he could understand, it was how he had felt when his mom had told him that the Sim Council would decide the next heir and it wasn't automatically his. Though he mused sadly that he had come to terms with it pretty quickly.
"Are you... are you ok with that?" he turned back into what Myla was saying and found himself looking into concerned brown eyes. Eyes concerned about him.
"Well... actually I am." he grinned widely because Myla had asked about him. She hadn't walked away, she hadn't been interested in only the Legacy.
"I mean I am a free man. To be the heir to McGinnis legacy means that I would have to stay here in Newcrest. Now the possibilities are limitless."
"I mean, of course, I thought as the eldest that the Legacy was sort of automatically mine, just like most everyone else at school but I have to admit, I'm kind of relieved." he said candidly.
Myla smiled at him kindly.

"Being the heir to a legacy can be difficult." Myla said kindly. "At least, that's how it always seems for Malcolm. He is always locked away in his office typing away at his computer running numbers for Landgraab Enterprises."
"I know right." He was so happy she understood. "I was always worried about what it mean to be in charge of all this. I mean, I'm still figuring out me... and I would have to make decisions for an entire town?"
"It's crazy right?"
"Right," Myla agreed.
Collin shook his head. "I'm sorry. It's still something that I' dealing with." he composed himself. "You said there was something that you wanted to talk about too?"

"It....it's not important." she said smiling shyly. A subtle blush lit her cheeks and Collin felt his heart might burst out of his chest.
"Awh, don't be like that Myla." Collin said coyly. "Come on what was it."
She smiled. "I just... I wanted to ask if..." she sighed. "You had finished your Creative Arts project."
The two sat on the porch for a while just talking. Soon though Collin had to get inside to get ready for work.
As Myla walked away, Collin wished that he had asked her out. She had been interested in him. Not in the legacy or in his part in it. He just hadn't had the courage.
The next morning, as the boys were hanging out in the living room, enjoying a viral Simtube video Adaleigh walked into the kitchen and stopped short as she was reaching for her morning yogurt.
"I can't believe this."
Both boys turned to look at her staring incredulously at her cell phone.
Cam looked over at his mom in concern. "What's wrong, Mom?"
Not saying a word, Adaleigh quickly crossed the living room and turned on the television. The local news anchor flashed across the screen.

"In local news, the new Mayor of McGinnis has been selected. The McGinnis family has been silent on the subject but sources close to the family have stated that to the surprise of the public, eldest Collin McGinnis has been passed over for his middle brother Cameron McGinnis. No word on how the eldest is taking this news. This is a surprising move as it was expected the title would pass to the eldest McGinnis child now that Mayor Adaleigh McGinnis has announced her retirement from the position shortly following the completion of her Newcrest Park & Gardens."

Adaleigh, Collin and Cameron stared at the television in complete shock.
Cam looked over at his brother. "Who talked to the press? I thought we agreed that we would wait to reveal my selection until our Young Adult Birthday?"
"It wasn't me."
"Well who else knows besides us. And I certainly didn't talk to the press about it." Cameron said resting his hand on his forehead.
"Cam, I'm telling you I didn't do it." Collin said getting frustrated. "And I don't know who could have!"
"Yea sure..."
"Boys... calm down." Adaleigh said stepping between her sons.
"Collin never knows anything. Collin is always the victim. When the story makes it look like you were ignored or something." Cam said spitefully as he went to sit on the couch.
Collin frowned and sat down next to his brother. "Why would I want to announce to the whole world, let alone everyone in our high school --who along with their parents are probably watching this right now by the way-- I got passed over for you."
"Oh, so you got "passed over" now. IT wasn't Mom's decision. The Council selected the best candidate based on our presentations. If you got "passed over" it was because you put together a lousy presentaiton." Cam said harshly.
"I know that!"
"BOYS! Stop this!" Adaleigh stood off to the side looking only mildly annoyed at their disagreement. "It doesn't matter now. Of course, I am less than happy that the news leaked to the public early but more than anything bickering is not going to help us."
Cam sighed. "You're right. I'm sorry, Collin."
"Yea... me too." he looked earnestly at his brother. "And I really have no..."
Cam looked intently as his brother. "Collin, what is it?"
Standing, Collin paced away from the couch for a moment then he turned to look at his mother and brother. Something had dawned on him. "I told Myla yesterday. "
He paced some more and then turning he faced his mother. "I may even have said something along the lines of being "passed over" as everyone at school expected me to be the next heir.... only because it's what everyone says."
Adaleigh looked at the ground holding a hand to her throbbing forehead. "What? Collin, why would you do that?"
"I..." he looked at his mother. "I didn't want her to hear it from the press. I... I needed her to hear it from me because... Well, because I needed to know if its me she was interested in, well, me or the legacy. But Mom never in a million years did I think..."
Adaleigh sighed and frustrated she walked away from Collin to the back bay doors. She stood in silence for a moment frustrated.
"Mom..." Collin began hesitantly. "I really didn't...."
Finally Adaleigh spoke. "What's done is done. We will just have to get in front of this. You boys have to get ready for school. I'll talk to your father about this when he gets up and we will go from there."
Nothing to be done for it. She thought to herself as she looked out the window and tried to wrap her mind around it. At least, she though looking down at her phone again, that Summer had thought to tell her as soon as she had heard.
Pulling out her phone, she set Summer a quick thanks. Now wasn't the time for feelings. Now was the time to take action. Everything would be fine. Just FINE.
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