2.23 Love by Any Other Name
A.N: It's a little belated but here's a Love Day/Valentine's Day special featuring the Founder and generation 2 heir and their loves. Hope it finds you feeling well and if not it gives you warm fuzzies and makes you feel better.
Love Day morning in Newcrest was rainy and gloomy. It wasn't that surprising, really, Cam and Dylan had been diligently watching the weather since news of the shifting seasons had broke. They had even prepped the largest build, Parkside Ranch, as it wasn't complete yet. Thankfully they hadn't installed any flooring and had covered everything in preparation for the rain. Cam, who had become so used to the same stable weather couldn't believe the drastic change. To him, life in Newcrest had seemed like one endless spring season. It made him curious what the new weather would bring to Newcrest.
Thankfully, Cam's Love Day plans didn't require being outdoors today. But in honor of the holiday, the houses were decorated by Dylan's suggestion. Cam quite liked the effect. It made the houses that he was working so hard on look homey and almost complete. Moving back inside, Cam looked over as his wife, now in her third trimester came walking into the living room. Well, waddling would have been a more apt term, although she would not appreciate it and he would keep that thought to himself.
"Good morning, beautiful." he said and smiled at her.
Madeline looked over at him and smiled, rubbing her neck which was now exposed by her short haircut which had happened one summer night when she had gotten too annoyed at her long hair and taken the scissors to it. Cam had been mildly concerned but Adaleigh had told him to take it in stride.
"Pregnancy hormones have a way of making a woman make hasty decisions. Madeline will feel better if you simply support her decision." he remembered his mother saying when he had come to her the next morning. "Besides... her hair will grow back."
Now, looking at his wife with her adorable hair, Cam quite liked it. And if Madeline was happy with it that was what mattered.
Madeline finished rubbing her neck and rolled her neck smiling at him. "Good morning... she's very active today." she looked down and put a protective hand on her stomach. "Woke me up before I was even ready to be awake."
"Well, then, how about we start your Love Day and... you can just sit down." taking her hand in his he lead her over to the couch. Sitting behind her, he put his hand on her shoulders and started to massage.
"Oh, that feels great Cam..." Madeline said, and though he couldn't see it, he heard the smile in her voice.
Cam smiled as he continued to massage her shoulders and looked up as Laurent walked into the living room. Laurent smiled at the two of them and Cam smiled at his Dad over Madeline's shoulders. Although neither said anything Cam knew how proud his father was of the family man he was already becoming. Laurent had always been a man of few words. A quiet sturdy and supportive man who had stood beside his wife and helped her. Cam only hoped that he would be as good a father.
Laurent pulled some chilled dough out of the fridge and liberally coating a cutting board with flour he began to kneed it.
Finishing rubbing Madeline's shoulders Cam pulled his hands away and she sighed leaning against him. "I am already loving my Love Day surprise." she murmured with a contented sigh.
Cam smiled and kissed his wife on the forehead and wrapping his arms around her for just a moment, enjoying her closeness. "This isn't even the surprise yet..."
Madeline sat forward and looked at him over her shoulder. "There's more?"
Cam smiled, suddenly excited. Standing, he pulled Madeline along with him down the hallway. "Cam?" Madeline laughed as she allowed herself to be pulled along. Heading all the way down the hall, Cam pulled her to stand in front of him right in front of the closed door that used to be Laura's room. "What's got you...so excited...?" Madeline asked, a little breathlessly.
Cam gave her a concerned look but she shook her head and took a deep breath. "I'm OK. So...?"
Cam smiled. "Well, you know that I've working extra hard lately... well, it hasn't all been at the housing construction site. With Mom and Dad's help... well..." he looked over at the door to Laura's room and smiled mysteriously. "Why don't you see for yourself?"
Madeline turned and frowned at the door and then looking at Cam, she pushed the door open, gasping as she did so. The room was completely transformed. The green walls which had been there since Cam was a teenager were painted a pale yellow and cloud and tree themed curtains fluttered around the window. Covering her mouth she stepped more fully into the room and spun a small circle.
There was a turquoise dresser with a few storybooks, a framed photo of a butterfly and a lamp with a matching lampshade on it. Frames in the same shade of turquoise boasted cute animals and were hung in a line above the dresser. Beside the dresser, close to the door was a lamp and a lovely wicker seat.
On the other side, there was a bookshelf with the same tree and cloud motif as the curtains and a wood and turquoise toy chest and the most adorable stuffed giraffe Madeline had ever seen. Cam had painted white barked trees with simple green leaves at the end across that wall and she smiled at it before turning around. Set dead center in front of the double windows was a white bassinet with a yellow ribbon trim.
"So...what do you think?" Cam asked as he looked at her looking around the room.
Smiling the widest smile he had seen she turned away from the bassinet to look at him. "It's even better then I could have imagined. I love it, Cam. I especially love that it came from you and I know our little girl is going to love it too... What ever we decide to name her..."
She laughed a little at the last bit. They had names... a few actually picked out. But they still hadn't decided which was the perfect name for their little girl. Madeline laughed again and looked over at him. "At this point, I think we're just going to need to meet her to decide her name. But... I do know... that once we bring her home... this is the perfect place for her to grow up."
Cam smiled, feeling his shoulders finally relax. He had been worried, if he was honest, that she wouldn't like it. But seeing her smile, he knew that he had made the right choice. "She is going to have the best of everything. I will see to it," he said and moving forward laid his hands gently on Madeline's stomach before looking up at his wife with love. "I'm sorry it's not flowers or chocolates but... well, Happy Love Day, Madeline."
She looked into his eyes. "I don't need flowers that die or chocolates which will only make me fatter. Our little girl is seeing to the expansion of my waist just fine, thank you, Mr. McGinnis... This... this was the perfect Love Day gift.
Gently, taking his hands in hers she looked up at him. "And I have just to gift for you too. It's not flowers or chocolates I'm afraid... but I don't think you will mind."
Turning, she let go of one hand and she lead him across the hall to their room. Cam looked at her a bit bemused. "Maddie, don't you think...I mean the doctor said..."
She smiled and pushed him against the wall beside the closet. "Cam, stop worrying. I'm not made of porcelain..."
Cam felt himself sink into the kiss, giving in maybe a little too readily. He was a worrier at heart and hadn't really pressed for anything like this in weeks... but... he was a bit too weak to reject his wife when she wanted something.
Madeline pulled back and grinning at him mischievously. "You know, we still haven't really explored this closet since we had it installed after I moved in."
"...No?" Cam said a little confused. His brain was most definitely muddled by passionate kisses right now as he raised an eyebrow at his wife.
Reaching around him, Madeline opened the closet door and kissing Cam walked him backwards into the closet. Oh... He had feeling his mind was not going to be working for a long while yet...
* * *
In the master bedroom, Adaleigh had just woken up and saw that the bed was empty. It wasn't uncommon that Laurent was up first. Even though he worked late at night, he still enjoyed getting up and making breakfast. It's a remnant from being the one making meals every day in the struggling toddler years, he often joked smiling at her.
Rolling over, Adaleigh sat up and wrapped herself in a robe. The blinds were drawn down which was odd and the most likely reason why she had slept in so late. Usually the morning sun woke her. That was when she noticed the roses on the desk and the Valentines Cards.
Smiling she sat down and picked up the first, from Collin. There was one from Laura that Laurent had kindly opened and set out for her and another from Cam and his wife. Setting the cards back where they were, she looked at the roses. Laurent had laid this all out for her. It was the kind of thoughtful thing he would do. And the roses... Those were from him, she knew without even looking at the card tucked in between the leaves. Smiling to herself she pulled the card out anyway, wondering what message her husband had left.
Happy Love Day, Love of My Life.
Don't peek out the window and meet me in the kitchen. Love, Laurent.
Standing, Adaleigh noticed out the side window that it was raining. Something that was very rare in Newcrest. Times were really changing around her. She looked at the walk-in closet but decided against getting dressed. Staying in her comfy robe sounded like the best way to celebrate Love Day.
Walking down the hallway, she paused at Collin's door. Inside she could hear him practicing on his violin again. He had been working extremely hard on it lately and it wasn't a composition that she recognized. She wondered what he was planning but also knew that he would share with her when he was ready. Collin could be extremely secretive when he wanted to be.
Laurent was cooking away in the kitchen as was his usual and as she walked to the island a very chipper Cameron was walking back into the kitchen from the hallway. "Morning, Mom." he said and she smiled at him. He was clearly very happy with his life and it made her feel proud.
"Happy Love Day, Cameron. How's Madeline feeling this morning...?"
Cam smiled again, though a conspicuous blush stole up his cheeks. "Good. Good. She's uh...laying down again. The baby woke her up earlier then she planned... and I'm. Well, I came to get--"
Ring! Ring! Both Cam and she jumped as his cellphone rang. Looking down Adaleigh could tell he was relieved. "It's Laura." turning away from his mom he walked into the alcove. "Hey, little sis, how's San Myshuno treating you?"
Adaleigh stifled a smile as he walked over to the bar and talked to his sister animatedly while he poured a cranberry juice and added a colorful twist. A drink for Madeline she thought. As promised, Laura called often and most often it was Cam she called. She was glad that her children were so close.
And... she thought with a smile, it was good to see that married life was still good for Cam. Even if it made him a bit embarrassed... She supposed that was a product of living under the same roof as your mother.
She and Laurent had never had that problem. Smiling to herself she looked over at her husband cooking away at the stove. "Good morning, Chef Collins McGinnis."
Laurent smiled at her over his shoulder. "Good morning. Did you sleep well?"
Adaleigh smiled. "I did. Someone drew the shades down so I slept in later then I planned to."
"Oh?" Laurent raised an eyebrow innocently. "Did they? Well, I think it was good that you got some more sleep."
He liberally seasoned his morning creation, and tasting it turned back to her. "Taste?" he asked his grey eyes sparkling at her as he held out a spoon.
She smiled and then obliged him. "Delicious... as always..."
Laurent smiled lovingly down at her before turning back to the stove. He finished cooking and then serving up two servings handed her a bowl and grabbed a plate for himself before heading for the couch in front of the TV. He turned it on to a late night show rerun and sitting across from him Adaleigh found herself just staring at him for a moment.
Neither of them noticed when Cam took the cranberry juice and putting some of the food on the tray headed back to his room and Madeline. She was so lost in thought she barely heard Laurent when he looked over at her and said her name. "Adaleigh?"
She snapped to attention.
Laurent just smiled. "Penny... for you thoughts, love?"
She smiled too, she couldn't help it. "I was just... wondering...I mean you stood beside me for so many years. Was there ever... I mean was there ever a time when you thought it wouldn't work?"

Laurent smiled at her lovingly. "Adaleigh... you have always been the most passionate person I've known. It's one of your most attractive qualities...You always knew what you wanted. Of course that passion has its downsides as you tend to have blinders on when you're after something but..." his grin turned lopsided and understanding. "Well, I couldn't say I love you if I didn't love everything about you. And... when you realize your errors, you never leave them. Another thing I love about you. When we designed this house together and you made sure it was something we did together I knew... your passion was important but...so were we."
Adaleigh smiled at the man she married. "Of course, we were important. Laurent, I couldn't imagine my life with anyone else."
"Neither could I..." he smiled and then flipping through the channels he found a Love Day Romance movie. Lapsing into easy silence, Adaleigh curled her feet under her and leaned against his shoulder enjoying her breakfast.
After the movie, Laurent decided to make some cookies and feeling comfortable Adaleigh cleaned up the counters beside him. Listening to him hum to himself as he baked she smiled. Happy with the life they had lived together.
After a bit, Laurent slid the cookies into one of the double ovens and the turned to look at her where she had leaned against a counter watching him.
"Adaleigh... why don't you slip into something more Love Day Date appropriate wear. I'm just about done with this cookies. I'll clean up the rest. Meet me on the back porch for your present?"
"Present? The flowers weren't my present."
Laurent smiled, a twinkle in his eyes. "The flowers were only the start."
Adaleigh tilted her head and then obliged. After a bit of debating she finally pulled on a favorite green long sleeve and flower dress. Because Laurent was being so secretive she made herself go the extra mile, braiding her hair away from her face and brushing it out.
Walking out to the back patio, she opened the door and stepped outside pausing at the site of Laurent seated at a small table with hanging candles all around him and rose petals leading to an area where he had hung curtains, a small private alcove just for the two of them.
Walking closer she looked around, her breath feeling like it was caught in her chest as her husband looked lovingly up at her. "Hello, Mrs. McGinnis..."

She felt so much emotion well into her chest that she had to turn away for a moment and look around. "It's.... Laurent, its so beautiful. Did you do this all by yourself?"
Laurent laughed. "I had help I have to admit. I'm not as spry as I used to be. Collin and Cameron helped me hang the lanterns last night and move the table in but... I planned it all. Laid the flowers down."
She held a hand to her heart. "It's so perfect."
Standing, Laurent crossed the porch to her and turning her around, he took her hands into his, looking up at her eyes. His silver eyes shined in the candlelight and Adaleigh swallowed. I love this man so much... And everyday he shows me how much he loves me...
He smiled at her. "Yes, Adaleigh?"
"What if... what if I don't want to be Mrs. McGinnis or you to be Chef Collins McGinnis any more? Would it...would it be too late for me to take your name? To be Mrs. Collins...?"
Laurent gave her a look of surprise. "Adaleigh..."
She swallowed at the look in his eyes. "I know its so late... You've been supporting me and letting me continue the McGinnis name in a way that I don't think any other man would. And it won't change that but I don't know how long we'll get to--"
Laurent shook his head. "I married Adaleigh McGinnis because I loved her. I took her name so that her family legacy could continue...Our family legacy, no matter whose name they have. A name doesn't matter. I love you, Adaleigh... Not your name. Whether you took my name or I took yours, the day of the wedding, what mattered to me was that you loved me enough to marry me and to let me experience this wonderful adventure where your passion took us."
"Laurent... I love you so much and I just don't feel like I've let you know it enough. I don't know how I got so lucky. Happy Love Day, Mr. McGinnis."
"Happy Love Day, Mrs. McGinnis." he leaned in and together they kissed on the porch they designed together. Surrounded by the cool, rainy night air.
A/N/: Ok, ok. Just one more thing. Cameron and Madeline need a little help naming their daughter who will be coming on to the scene real soon. Below is a link to a vote for the top three that they (which means I) couldn't decide between. Would really appreciate the help! I will keep this survey open until Saturday February 23, 2019.
McGinnis Generation 3 Heir Naming Vote
Thank you as always for reading! And feel free to leave comments here or over on my McGinnis Newcrest Challenge thread on the Sims Forums located here.
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