1.8 Birth and Death of a Cowplant
Despite the worry of both adults, the triplets grew at an amazing pace. Even in the small space of the house, they seemed to enjoy life. Most of the time they played outside close to their mother's garden so they could be close to her but they also loved their toybox indoors and the blocks on the front porch.
Of course, Collin being a fussy toddler, mostly just wanted to be close to his mother. He could spend hours watching or babbling at her while she watered and fertilized away. Adaleigh adored it. It pleased her that at least one of her children appeared to love the garden as much as she did.
Cameron on the other hand, being the middle child spent most of his time indoors. He especially enjoyed playing next to the toy chest.
The bonus of him spending so much time indoors meant that he also seemed to share an interest in cooking like his father. Although at this young age, it may have been more of an interest in the pots and the amount of noise they made when you banged them.
Laura was the go between child. The youngest of the triplets she looked up to both of her "older" brothers and seemed to like spending time with both. She was often found talking to Cameron but just as often...

She would play by the garden with Collin as well.
As Collin spent the most time with her by the garden side, Adaleigh often spent extra time with her eldest. She worked especially hard with him learning to read and with the flashcards. Cameron seemed to gravitate towards learning on his own so it gave her some condolences to know that at least her oldest child really needed her.
But Laura... for as much as she enjoyed everyone else's company, she was Daddy's little girl.
Catering meant that Laurent often worked late into the night and sometimes early morning. Still worried about the small space for his children and not sure how to talk to Adaleigh about it, dragging himself home at night was difficult some nights.
Still no matter what time he came home, more often then not Laura would run out to greet her father if she happened to wake in the night. Those nights he felt all the worries wash away. His little girl was happy and healthy.
During the day, Laurent always made an extra effort to play some games with his little girl. He was determined that if they were going to live in the small house then he would make the effort to make her childhood wonderful.
Adaleigh was well aware that for all his smiles and agreement that Laurent was not happy living on the small lot with their triplets. She was also highly aware that while the garden was coming along, it was no where near where she would be content moving.
And then, the cowplant died. With the stress of caring for three toddlers and a full garden she had apparently not fed it nearly as much as she needed to. In a way it was kind of a relief. Part of her had worried about having a plant that could eat her children in the garden.
That night, after getting all the kids into bed, Adaleigh sat on the bed watching them sleep. It really was a small space.
She looked up at Laurent as he walked into the door. "Oh, hi. I didn't realize it was so late."
"Mind if I sit?"
Finally Laurent broke the silence. "So how did today go?"
"Good, both Collin and Laura are fully potty trained noq. Cameron is resisting. I caught him hiding in the bedroom using his diaper about 4 times today and he refused to come 'practice' with me at all." she said. Stick to the kids, that will be easy.

"Yea I know. I just can't help but be worried." she sighed and then remembered that she still needed to wash the dishes in the kitchen.
Standing she walked through to the kitchen. "The cowplant died today." she said as she felt Laurent following her.
"I saw on the way in."
She half smiled. "Guess it was too much to expect I could handle the kids and a giant living plant too."
"I honestly think that this entire garden thing has gotten out of hand."
Turning she looked at her husband. "Look I understand that you took on this plot fo Simsville and that they expect a Park and Garden based on the plans you submitted when you applied to live here. But do they really expect you to grow 8 perfect crops for those gardens?"
"Yes, Laurent, yes they do. It's a contigent in my original plans I submitted for the plot." she felt a small headache begin to pound at her temples. She knew that he was trying to be understanding but the strain of living in the small house was obviously beginning to wear on him as well as her.
"But it's so much. Wouldn't Simsville understand if the garden had only superb plants in it? That would still be better than a lot of the produce we have found locally in the area."
"Laurent, I'm tired and I still need to wash these dishes and tend the garden before I go to bed. Can we talk about this tomorrow?"
For a while it seemed that Laurent was content to leave it at that and he sat down on the computer. Probably to work on a few of the recipes he had been perfecting for work lately. Adaleigh washed the dishes and decided that maybe she should make them some tea.
They used to drink tea on nights like this. Laurent would work on the computer and she could sit with him for a while. The garden could wait for a while yet.
"Sometimes, Adaleigh, I feel like... like the garden is more important than anything."
"What?" she looked over her shoulder.
"I know the legacy is important... but shouldn't it also be important to provide something for our kids outside of this small little house."
His words hit home, straight to her heart. She felt tears well up and then anger.
Didn't he think that she knew this house was too small? Didn't he know that she was working herself to the bone trying to keep her promise to Simsville but also get them out of this small little house.
Of course her kids were important! But so were the promises she had made in order to get the land they were living on!
Turning she walked to their bedroom and got dressed without saying a word. She didn't think she could trust any words to come out of her lips. Pulling on her clothes she grabbed the trash and headed outside.
"I'll be in the garden." she murmurred.
Throwing the trash in, she slammed the lid down and slammed it shut. Didn't he understand!?!
And just as quickly as the anger came, the sadness followed.
Of course he understand... he has been more than understanding.
She knew that he was right. The garden did seem like it was more important. But the garden and the produce it produced were going to pay for the new land and the new house. She had already begun planning what plot of land to buy and what the house would look like.
Maybe its something she should talk to him about. Maybe that would make him see.
Determined but still sad, Adaleigh walked to the garden. She needed to complete this garden and soon she would share her plans with her husband. She needed him to see that the garden was not more important than her family.
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