2.19 Today is the day...
7:19 AM
Today was the day...
The thought bolted Madeline awake, startled. Her mind felt blurry and just a little unfocused, but something in her knew and felt that she needed to be awake. What time was it? What day was it... and where was she?
Sitting up, she yawned and looked at the light turquoise wall in confusion. She realized that she was in Adaleigh and Laurent's room... Why was she in Adaleigh and Laurent's room? She turned her head and realized that Laura was with her too.
Oh right.
Grabbing her phone from under the pillow where she had stuffed it, she glanced at the time. Just after 7 am... not nearly as late as she had initially thought. Adaleigh had convinced her and Laura to take over the master bedroom the night before the wedding. She and Laurent had agreed to sleep in Laura's room for the night.
"After all, we have to keep the groom from seeing his bride on their wedding day, don't we?" Adaleigh had laughed merrily.
It was the first time she had laughed since Eliza Pancakes, her dear friend, had passed away a few days before. A week before the wedding, a new amended RSVP from Desiree arrived. Only she and Dane would attend. Their mother had passed peacefully in her sleep. Desiree had said on the phone when Adaleigh called that she thought it was because her mom had missed her dad.
That was why when Adaleigh had confided in Madeline that she hadn't had the luxury of being separate from her groom at her own wedding, Madeline hadn't fought her. "We lived in a one room cabin together with an outdoor bathroom. I tried. Summer ran interference so he wouldn't see me...he did anyway. We both knew he had but I just never said anything about it. We're happily married still, why bother?"
Although she didn't really believe in the superstition, Madeline would have agreed anything to make her mother-in-law smile again. She was just a sweet woman... So Adaleigh, determined that her daughter-in-law would not have the same problem as she, had thrust her and Laura in the room the night before and told them they could rearrange it however they needed to.
So Laura and her had taken over the room with gusto. Collin had moved the computer to his room for the night and, with his help, they pulled Laura's desk in and set up two makeup stations. One desk had a mirror donated by Madeline's mother and for the other they had re-purposed Adaleigh's bedroom mirror and desk.
The bedside table had been dragged in from lord knew where (it was an old kid's sized desk) and in the spirit of the night, and with some donations from some of their high school friends, the girls had set up a little mini bar for the evening. They had even swiped some of the left over chocolate lava cake from the fridge.
Last night they painted each others nails, danced to music, drank wine and sparkling champagne and ate cake... It had become an impromptu bachelorette party...Celebrating her last night as a single lady. Really, it had been more like a glorified sleepover.
Laura had tried to make it more, she called up Aspen and invited her to come out and spend the night as well. It was a big bed, the three of them could have easily slept on the bed together. Unfortunately Aspen couldn't escape Oasis Spring early. Apparently, Malcolm had left her to broker some last minute deal for Landgraab Inc.
Madeline glanced at her phone again. Aspen would be here soon, for makeup and hair. To get ready before her wedding... her wedding...
She glanced over as Laura twitched in her sleep, a small snore escaping her lips. They had really overdone it with the champagne and wine the night before. Oh... and the chocolate. Madeline realized that she felt just a little sick. Why had she let Laura talk her into that?
Well, not that it mattered... The party was over.
"Ok, Laura... time to get up. It's wedding day, Miss Maid of Honor and Wedding Planner!" Laura just snuggled deeper in to her pillow.
"Laura..." Madeline pursed her lips and turning she pushed at Laura gently with her feet. "Come on, we need to be up before Aspen gets here. You know how much she hates to be behind schedule."
"Mom..." Laura murmured swatting at Madeline's foot and then snuggling even deeper into her pillow. "...just five more minutes... I don't have first period..."
Madeline couldn't help the small smile and then she rolled her eyes. "Sorry, Laura."
Without any further warning, Madeline pushed Laura off the bed. Surprised, she grabbed for the only thing within reaching distance, the table but because it was only a child's desk instead of catching her weight and settling her, it slid across the floor and miraculously everything on it only shifted slightly. But Laura... Laura went down on the floor hard.
"Ow...." came the muffled voice on the floor and Madeline was glad there was soft carpet and not hardwood floor in this room like the living room.
Madeline felt bad. At least, she thought she should feel bad... she couldn't help the small smile that eased onto her lips and that she quickly straightened into what she hoped was a look of concern as Laura climbed back up to the bed.
"Seriously, Mads... what was that for?"
"I tried to get you up nicely. You're the one who wanted to sleep through first period..." Madeline said mockingly.
"What? I'm not a morning person OK?" Laura yawned and stretched not looking any worse from her fall. "I stay awake as inspiration comes... usually inspiration doesn't bother me in the morning hours. It knows I work best late in the day."
Madeline laughed. "Well, inspiration is going to have to kick it in gear. We have a full day today."
Laura nodded and then shaking her head look more fully at her friend, her hazel eyes widening. "Whoa... if your hair is anything to go by we certainly have a day ahead of us..."Laura said flopping back on the bed and crossing her legs lazily behind her.
"What? My hair looks like this every morning... Honestly, It usually looks worse. I just never let anyone see me until I straightened it. You'd know that if inspiration struck a little earlier in the day, roomie..."
Laura laughed. "Touche," she said. "I wonder what Cam would think?"
Madeline shook her head. "I don't think he would even bat an eye... but I don't like it all that much so it's not something I let a lot of people see. My flat iron has always been my friend... it's one of the reasons I was always early to school."
"I thought it was so you could steal my notes..." Laura joked.
"What notes? All you really did in class was doodle." their eyes met as they laughed and then they grew quiet.
The two friends stayed that way for a moment, Laura's smiled faded and she turned away from her friend her eyes becoming thoughtful.
"Hey Mads...?"
Madeline looked down at her thoughtful friend and sobered a little. "What's on your mind Laura?"
Laura looked down crossing her feet behind her and slowly tracing the design of the comforter with her fingers. "You know how in high school I was always saying that some day I was going to leave and travel the world as an aspiring artist?"
"Well, yeah, it was the big Laura McGinnis Plan." she said and then she looked closely at her friend. "...Why?"
She looked up at Madeline. "Well...I'm not meant to spend the rest of my life in Newcrest. I always knew that. The minute Mom started talking about the Legacy and who would take over all I could think was, it wasn't for me... I don't have someone like Cam has you or even Collin has Myra... I don't have a great cause here like Mom with her garden or even Dad with his cooking... I just feel like there's something more out there."
"I guess." Madeline looked down at her fingers. She hadn't let Laura paint them. "Newcrest is... well, someday it's going to be great. It's the whole reason my family applied to live out here. My... dad wanted us to have someplace new and better. Better than where we came from at any rate."
Laura nodded and the two girls remained quiet for a moment. Laura seemed like she wanted to say more but she just couldn't bring herself to.
Outside they could hear Adaleigh humming as she water the garden on the back porch. If Adaleigh was awake then chances were that Laurent was too. He would have the kitchen taken over by now and begun on the cake. At least, the cake was all he was doing today. They had finally managed to get him to agree to hand off the job of making food for the reception to one of his subordinates/coworkers from the Dish.
The day was only beginning... the wedding was schedule for 12:30 pm and followed by a park reception. They were to be married under the same wedding arch that Adaleigh and Laurent had built all those years ago.
Madeline plopped onto her side. "Gosh, I know you've been talking about it but... when is it happening?"
Laura turned away, looking at her mother through the open windows. Turning back, she smiled. "So anyway...let's stop with all the depressing stuff. After all, it's the big day. You nervous?"
Madeline frowned at her friend for a moment but she knew that even if she pushed forward Laura wasn't going to share anymore, not now. Sighing, she looked down at the bedspread, thinking. "Nervous... isn't the word. I have no doubt this is what I want... I just want everything to go as smoothly as possible... Is that possible?"
Laura laughed, looking off in the distance her mind already whirring. "It's a wedding, Mads... something is bound to go wrong. The only question is what."
Madeline nodded. "OK... well, I am going to go grab some aspirin, get in the tub and soak. I'll have my hair managed before Aspen waltzes in... think you can snag us some breakfast?"
Laura jumped up then. "It's the first thing on the list... something starchy and non-sugary..." she glanced guiltity at the leftover chocolate. Pausing as she headed for the door she held up a mocking finger. "Now remember...stay in the suite... you know Mom--"
Madeline, already heading to the bathroom, held up her arms in defeat. "I won't see Cam until we walked down the aisle today, I swear."
Satisfied, Laura headed down the hall, cake plates and wine glasses in her hand leaving Madeline staring at her own reflection.
She sighed. "Today is the day..."
12:07 PM
Cam fidgeted with button on his suit as he looked at himself in the mirror.
Today is the day. He thought to himself nervously.
A grin spread across his face and he felt so much joy spreading through him. He almost couldn't contain it. "Today's the day, I'm getting married." excitement overtook him and he wiggled his arms and laughed manically as he looked at himself in the mirror.
And then he realized how crazy he looked.
"Ok, Cam, yes, it's your wedding day but we gotta be calm, gotta be coool." he murmured to himself. Wiggling his shoulders, he danced as smoothly as he knew how. He really was trying to find his inner calm. But the sheer joy that this day had calm just couldn't be contained.
He took a deep breath. "It will be time soon." he reminded myself.
"Man," Collin's voice came from the doorway and Cam jumped a little. "You've got it bad."
His brother's arms were across his chest and he was leaning against the door frame. Judging by the giant smirk on his face, he must have witnessed Cam's entire routine before saying anything. Unfolding himself from the doorway, he walked closer to his brother. "It's a good thing that Madeline's already head over heels because if she could see you now...."he clapped his brother on the back.
By now, Cam was far to used to his brother's teasing to take it personally. "Hey, Mads knows how goofy I am. She thinks its part of my charm." he responded.
"Yeah, that's how we know she's in love." Collin responded. "So... you ready for the big day?"
Cam fidgeted with the cuff on his suit. "Honestly? I'm really just thinking about marching across the house and just eloping with Mads. I'm that ready."
"Good luck with that." Collin laughed. "You know, Mom has declared that you to aren't to see each other until the wedding right?"
"Yeah, yeah. I got the lecture..." Cam sighed. "Is it time to head to the park yet?"
"Yeah, I was just headed over to tell you. Dad just finished the cake. Mom wants us to head over. I'm standing up with you at the altar, Laura's going to walk alone."

"You really ready for this? This is going to be the last moment of being a single man."
Cam looked at himself in the mirror. "Yep, I am SO ready."
Collin grinned and opened the door, "Well, then let's head on over to the venue then, Mayor McGinnis. It's time to get you a bride."
12:30 PM
Cam stood at the altar waiting for the music to start. His heart was pounding out of his chest and Collin, who stood just a little ways away, kept shooting him glances out of the corner of the eye. Cam smiles at him and then looks at his parents who are standing in the front aisle grinning from ear to ear and holding each other's hands.
Adaleigh's eyes glimmer with proud tears.
"Honey, are you OK?" Laurent's asked his wife, leaning towards her with concern.
She nods too happy to say anything else. "I just never thought this day would come..."
Laurent smiled and Cameron hoped he and Madeline would have just as strong a relationship.
The music began to play and as Cam looked up he saw his sister, Laura walking by herself down the aisle. She looked wonderful in her creme dress with the orange lilies that Madeline had picked. She knew how much the color orange meant to him and he found it amazing that it was a favorite colors of hers as well... that and turquoise.
Next down the aisle came Aspen and DaQuin. Cam had to stiffle a laugh because DaQuin looked as if he was counting every step and was completely afraid he was going to trip over his own shoes. Next to him Aspen walked down the carpet like a model, no hesitation, and absolutely not minding her attendant at all.
Poor DaQuin.
Then the music changed and the wedding march began. Cam stood up taller.
Just before the wedding march began, on the other side of the screen, Stella stepped back from her daughter, tears feeling her eyes.
"Mom?" Madeline looked at her mother. "It's almost our turn."
"I can't believe today's the day." Stella said quietly to herself. "I just wish... Oh, baby, how I wish."
Madeline stepped forward. "He's here. I feel it." she cupped her mother's face. "And I'm just so glad that your here with me now..."
Stella smiled nodding her head and then delicately wiping at her tears so as not to mess up her mascara. "You're right. He would have been so happy that you found someone like Cameron."
Madeline nodded, smiling. "I think Dad would have liked Cam too."
The wedding march began to play.
Madeline turned to look through the barrier and saw Cam standing his hands folded in front of him. Even from this distance she could see the nervous energy rolling off him in waves. Until that moment, she had felt just as many nerves. But now she felt nothing but certainty.
She linked arms with her mother and two of them headed through the barrier.
She saw ahead of them, DaQuin glanced over his shoulder and his practiced walk altered. He grinned at her and then began to saunter to the front next to Aspen.
Madeline smiled even wider. Her little brother all grown up. It wouldn't be long until he was finding love himself.
As they drew closer, she felt herself drawn into Cameron's soft hazel grey eyes, the perfect blend of his mother's and father's eyes. And right now they looked at her with so much love she felt she might burst.
She handed her mother her bouquet and turned to go to Cam but before she could her mother stepped in front of her.
"Cameron McGinnis, I am giving you my daughter today." she said looking him directly in the eye and Cam gave her just as serious a look back. "I don't do this lightly and you have to promise that you will always cherish her."
Cam nodded seriously. "I understand, Mrs. Beavers."
Stella softened. "Honey, I'm giving you my daughter because today means I gain another son. You can call me Stella or Mama if you want. Just don't hurt my baby girl."
Cam grinned. "Mama, it is then. Thank you." he looked at Madeline. "I will love her with all my heart."
Madeline felt herself blush as she walked forward and took his hand.
"Hi beautiful." he said taking her hand in his.
"Hey there, Handsome. I missed you." she responded.
And there in front of their family and friends they said there vows. "Today is the day, I take you to be my other half and to love for all my days." Cam said sweetly. "I give you my heart, my soul and my name."
He slipped the ring on her finger and smiled shyly at her.

Madeline grinned, happily enjoying the ring now on her finger. "Today is the day, I take you to be my other half and to love all my days." she responded in kind. "I give you my heart, my soul and I will take your name and make it my own."
She slipped Cam's ring onto his finger and the two grinned goofily at each other.
"Oh, will you just kiss the bride already?" Collin called and before long the other wedding guest joined in. "Make it official!"
And so they kissed and everyone threw confetti down around them.
Cam was so happy. He still couldn't believe that now officially Madeline was his wife.
Madeline McGinnis.
They ate cake.
Madeline got to know Adaleigh better.

And Cam was happy to see that Dylan Wahl had shown up for the festivities. He also noticed that although both J and Christina Huntington showed up that his Aunt Summer hadn't, which was odd. Aunt Summer never missed out on celebrating with the family.
He spent a little time talking shop with Dylan while...
Madeline ate cake, lots of delicious cake. She had always loved Laurent's cake.
Everyone was happy and congratulating them.
...and dancing...
Finally, as the night began to wind down. Cam and Madeline danced off to the side. "So... how do you feel being the next Mrs. McGinnis?" he asked quietly as they danced.
She smiled, "It feels wonderful, Mr. McGinnis."
He leaned his head against hers and looked over at the house. It had been their home for a while now, but soon it would be home to not only them but their children.
"Hey, Mads, you want to have kids right?" he realized that they had never really ever asked her.
Mad looked over at the house with him and her eyes grew dreamy. "You know a few years ago I probably would have said I never wanted kids. But now... and with you..."
She looked up at him and kissed him sweetly.
The rest of the night passed uneventfully and before long the moon had begun to rise over the park. Madeline was beginning to tire. Cam seemed to notice without her saying anything and the two started saying their good byes.
Stella hugged her daughter tightly again. Telling her how happy she was for her.
Cam found his parents happily chatting on the bench, his mother had a beverage in her hand and she was giggling at his dad.
"Hey, Mom, Dad. Madeline is getting tired so we're going to head back to the house. Do you mind supervising the clean up?"
Laurent raised an eyebrow up at his son. "Itching to get a little alone time."
Adaleigh laughed turning her head away. "Laurent, really, don't pester him. He's happily married. You remember what it was like."
Cam smiled at his mom. "Madeline's tired, Mom, I have a feeling that she's going to sleep on he bench if we don't get her home."
Adaleigh smiled and shooed her son. "Go, show your bride the surprise you have planned. Your Dad and I will get everyone out of the park and get all this cleaned up."
Cam smiled and kissed his mom on the cheek.
Cam went to get his bride from where she was talking to a couple of the guests. "Come on Mrs. McGinnis. Mom said she would hold down the fort. Let's sneak away while we have the chance."
Madeline giggled and they walked hand in hand back to the house.
Back at the park, the first generation McGinnis spouses were still relaxing together.
"Do you remember when we were just married and couldn't wait to be alone?"
Adaleigh laughed. "I remember that you insisted on cleaning everything up first... and then the sink broke!"
"Ha! You're right but who fixed said sink?"
Adaleigh scooted closer. "You did, of course..." she giggled to herself.
"And oh the look on your face when you saw me waiting for you in the doorway..." she said with a small snort.
"Most beautiful woman I had ever seen." Laurent said happily and then he looked deeply into her eyes. "She still is..."
Cam insisted on carrying Madeline over the threshold of the household and all the way back to the room they would be staying in, her and Laura's old room. Now it was Cam and her room, as Laura had moved across the hall.
"Cam! Seriously!" Madeline giggled as she kicked open the door to the room.
"No, no, Mrs. McGinnis, it's tradition.
He pushed opened the door and Madeline gasped. The two twin beds were gone and a beautiful queen sized bed took up most of the space. Cam had also put in orange and yellow curtains and all across the floor were rose petals.
"Cameron McGinnis... when did you have time?"

Cam grinned. "Collin helped me set it up this morning... Do you like it?"
She looked at him with so much happiness. "I do. You always know just what to say and do..."
Cam sat with her on his lap and stared into her beautiful eyes. "I know what I would like to say and do next..."
Madeline tilted her head. "Oh yeah, what's that, Mr. McGinnis?"
"I love you, Mrs. McGinnis from now until the end of my time." he said and then he kissed her.
"Perfect choice again," she said, after coming up for air for a moment before pulling him close for another kiss.
And neither of them said much else after that.
Author's note: Ok, finally! This post took a lot of planning and a lot of poses. So I am going to try to condense them down....
Poses used:
Morning scene:Clumsy alien
Getting Ready: Kaihana
Also special thanks to LegacySims2017 for the use of Dylan Wahl. :)
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