About The Aema Simming

So, you were interested enough in my blog to want to know a little bit more about me. Be careful, what you wish for. I can be quite long winded.

To keep it short and simple, in real life, I am a mother, a caretaker and have a BA in Environmental Biology. Recently graduated I am currently full time taking care of my son and his great grandmother, who as just official diagnosed with Alzheimer in 2018, and realizing that right now there is not a lot of time for myself to do a ton of things I decided that I needed a creative outlet. Hence my decision to write my first SimLit. 

I am a long time Simmer, having started playing the Sims with the original Sims on rented computers at a little gaming store that I don't even remember the name of. My obsession with the Sims lasted for a long time and now as a mother I am playing Sims 4. This is the first ever SimLit I have written but am looking forward to the experience and the creativity. 

Thanks for reading this and I hope you enjoy!


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