1.17 The Dinner
Hmmm... does this smell right?
Adaleigh leaned over the spaghetti sauce she had simmering on the stove. She hadn't cooked much before Laurent moved in (unless you counted grilling on the picnic barbeque), And now with Laurent working the night shift, dinner had begun to fall on her more often.
She kind of enjoyed it. After spending so much time being concetrated on the garden, now she could concentrate on her family. Tonight, though, being such an important one, she found herself even more worried than usual.
"Ok, Adaleigh Eloise.... you are too worried." she straightened and grabbing her spoon stirred the sauce. "The kids will be home for school and it's time we talked. It's just that simple."
As she finished talking to herself aloud, she heard the front doors slam open in a way that only teenagers can manage.
"Whelp, no time like the present." she said to herself soothingly and added a dash of extra salt.
"Mom?" Collin called out.
"In the kitchen! Dinner's going to be on the table in a minute. You three go wash up!"
After washing their hands, the kids all padded into the dining area where Adaleigh had set their plates. She took a minute to wash the dishes before she joined them. Stalling a little more.
"Spaghetti?" Cameron said as she walked into the room. "What's the occasion, Mom. You only cook spaghetti when something big is going on."
"Well," she looked over as Collin walked into room. "I have something I have been meaning to talk to you about."
Laura and Cameron looked at each a little uneasily.
Cameron on the other hand looked a little more game.
"Well, as you kids know, I am the current Mayor of Newcrest, a title given to me by the Simsville Council when I applied to live here in Newcrest." she pulled up a chair and sat down. "As such it was up to me to design a build to better the community and to ensure the best possible start to the community."
"Well, yeah," said Collin. "That's why you designed the Park & Garden. But now that the Garden's complete.... what's next?"
She smiled. Collin reminded her of his father not just in looks but also in mannerism as well.

"Well... actually this is where you kids come in." she said looking over at Laura and Cameron to guage their reaction. "You see, the council wrote into my contract that once my personal project is complete that it is my job as Mayor to decide the next build for this community to be tackled. In particular, they asked that it be a family project."
The kids all stopped eating and looked at Adaleigh with full attention.
"I have to admit when I was pregnant I thought that whatever child I had they would be the heir to take over my project.... and then I you three, a wonderful surprise, but a surprise none the less."
"Wait," Laura said raising her hand, "are you saying what I think you're saying?"
"I am saying that your father and I don't want this to be a dictatorship. Each of you is brilliant in your own way and instead of arbitrarily naming a heir, we want to give you the oppurtunity to put together a petition on why you want to be the heir. And if you don't then... you don't have to."
She hesitated for a moment. "But if no one takes up the next project... then we will forfeit all that we have built to whoever Simsville decides to take over the Moyoralship."
"Oh, so we get to put together a petition just like you did when you applied to live here." Collin said.
Laura played with her spaghetti for a minute.
"Yea, to decide the rest of our lives," Cameron said a little disgruntledly and sighed. "I mean... I'm happy to put in my two sense on what should be built next. Sorry, Mom, it's a lot to take in."
Laura spoke up as well. "To be fair, we knew that you needed to name an heir, but we always just assumed it would fall to Collin as the oldest."
"I always kind of thought that as well." Collin agreed and looked somewhat hurt.
Adaleigh nodded. "I understand that feeling but it just wouldn't be fair. I was extrememly passionate about my project and that is the only reason I was able to see it through. So that's why I want you three to decide what you think Newcrest needs. Take your time to think it through.... and when you are ready we can talk as a family and both your father and I will think through your proposals together."
Collin took a moment as his siblings left and then he frowned.
"We'd lose the big house and my title, but Simsville would give us housing within Newcrest. It wouldn't be this giant ranchhouse your father and I designed but we would be together and no one would be forced into anything they weren't ready to do." Adaleigh explained.
She already felt like Laurent had been forced into giving up so much. The kids had had to suffer when they all lived in the small house. She could not bare forcing them to give up more if it wasn't something they really wanted.
"I think you're risking alot." Collin said still looking quite disgruntled.
"I know my kids." Adaleigh said with a confident smile. "You three are the smartest teenagers, I know. One of you will decide this is something you really want."
For the rest of the evening, the kids let the fact that McGinnis Legacy rested on their shoulders and that it was their decision to pursue it or not.
Cameron found himself inexplicable happy about it after it had sunk in. He had always assumed as the middle child that there was no way that he would ever be considered for heir. Now he had a chance
Laura went to watch TV and unwind.
And think they did. Even while they did their homework.
"Yeah, I guess, but it also means that Mom has to make a really hard decision and that if all of us are interested someone is going to be disappointed." Laura pointed out.
"I guess that's true." Cameron couldn't help a smile. "I just feel lucky to get to make a bid. Even if it means that I still don't get chosen."
Laura smiled. She still hadn't decided how she felt. She could already tell both her brothers were extremely excited. She just hoped that whatever happened that they would still be as close as they ever had.
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