1.9 The Plans
Their small argument lingered in Adaleigh's mind. She remained determined that her garden would be perfect and she threw herself into it again but it was also important to her that Laurent knew what he and their children meant to her. And she knew the perfect morning to show him.
"Good morning," she said cheerily as Laurent came in fresh from his shower. "the kids have a small request. They really want you to read them the new story we got them out in the garden."
Laurent looked like he wanted to laugh but he seemed game enough as he and the kids went out to the garden.
"And so the dog on the log..." Laurent looked up as two of three kiddos giggled but he figured they were just being their usual silly selves.
It was really was amazing that Laurent didn't suspect anything was up. Laura and Cameron were grinning from ear to ear and giggling and Collin looked as nervous as he had ever looked. Sure the story was about a little doggy but it hardly accounted for their laughter or Collin's worries.
Laurent sucessfully distracted, Adaleigh hurriedly got to baking his favorite. German Chocolate cake. She knew that it would never be the kind of cake that could compare to Laurent's own baking but she hoped that he would know how much love went into the cake she was making.
Cameron looked around his Daddy and he saw that Mommy had set the cake out on the table. He giggled just as the little doggy discovered his friend in the log.
Collin, who was concerned about who this little friend, nearly missed it.
Then Adaleigh called out, "Yoohoo! Would anyone be interested in some cake?"
All three toddlers raced across the yard and Laurent turned on his bench, the book forgotten as he placed it next to him. Walking across the yard, she could see he was taken aback. He clearly had expected that she would forget his birthday.
"You made my favorite."
"Of course, I did. Though it probably won't be nearly as good as a cake you could make..." she smiled sheepishly. "Well, blow out the candles, make a wish."
And he did.
"Cake!" the triplets screamed gleefully and Adaleigh and Laurent sliced very, very small pieces for each of them to eat. It was a very special day after all and the toddlers weren't allowed many sweets. Especially since Laurent and she had learned that even something as healthy sounding as fruit parfait could result in a sugar crash.
Besides the cake would give them a few moments to talk alone. Setting the toddlers down on the edge of the porch, where she could keep an eye on them easily, she sat down across from Laurent.
For a moment they just sat there. Laurent seemed to be studying her face bemusedly.
"So... how's it taste?" she began nervously.
"It looks delicious," he paused as he took his first bite. "Adaleigh. I can't believe that you made my favorite."
"Well, I had some expert helpers." Adaleigh said and looked over at the triplets who all giggled and continued munching on their cake contentedly.
"Honestly.... after the things I said the other day... well, I wouldn't blame you if you completely ignored my birthday." He ate the cake with gusto and Adaleigh smiled.
So far so good.
"Well, I actully wanted to talk to you about that." she bagan hesitantly. "I've been thinking a lot about what you said..."
Laurent paused lifting his fork to eat more cake and then he grimaced. "I felt awful the minute the words left my lips. I shouldn't have said those things to you. I know how much this place--"
"But you were right." Laurent looked up startled.
"The way things have been going... it really did--does-- seem like the garden is more important. But I have been working on something that... well you need to see."
She looked over at the triplets and saw they had just finished their cakes. "Mommy and Daddy are going inside. Let's move this party inside."
Cameron and Laura bound excitedly into their room and Collin followed reluctantly after.
Once they had sucessfully wrangled the triplets into playing in their room, Adaleigh pulled something up on the computer. She looked expectantly over her shoulder at Laurent to see his reaction.
"What is it?" he asked.
"Well... it's still a rough draft but this is the plans for our new house." she began excitedly. "Now Simsville won't clear its construction until we have submitted and had approved the plans for Newcrest Park and Gardens.... But we can submit these as soon as the park's is cleared for construction and the higher ups have assured me that the two could be completed simultaneously."
A smile broke out on Laurent's face. "So as soon as the park is complete, our new home will be done too." he said finally.
"Yes...there's still alot to do. I need to get the final layout of the gardens approved and the plants need a little more time. I also really need your input on the kitchen. I would have no idea what is really necesary for the perfect Chef's kitchen."
He looked into Adaleigh's eyes with a smile. "It already means so much, Adaleigh."
Reaching out, he pulled her from the chair and into his arms.
"Thank you." he whispered into her hair. "I know it still means we have a lot to do but we can work on this together."
Adaleigh wished that this moment would never end and that they could just remain this way forever.
"Mommy..." a little voice said breaking the moment. Collin had come out of the bedroom where he had been playing with his siblings. "Can play outside again?"
Laurent and Adaleigh laughed together.
Leaning down, Adaleigh smiled at her oldest. "Mommy will go outside with you right now."
"Play now." Collin said matter-of-factly. "Suns awake."
"You're right, baby." Standing up, she smiled at Laurent. "Duty calls."
Laurent kissed her soundly on the cheek. "Best to let them run all the sugar off outside." he said lovingly. "Thank you, Adaleigh."
And run around they did for most of the rest of the day. It wasn't until late in the evening when all the kids were finally tucked into bed that Adaleigh truly breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe they were too little to have cake at birthdays yet, she made a mental note.
Then a gentle knock came at the door. It was Summer.
"Hey," she said and looking over her shoulder to make sure the kids were truly sleeping she slipped outside.
"You missed the German Chocolate cake at Laurent's age up earlier." she said as the two sat down on the benches.
"Oh yea. I forgot you said you were celebrating that today. Does that mean...?" Summer looked at her expectantly.
"Yep, I showed him the house plans. We didn't get to talk to much about it but before he went to work he said that we would work out the plans for the kitchen together." Adaleigh smiled wholeheartedly.
"See... I knew that you two could work this out." she said reassuringly. "Laurent loves you and if you work together on this there's absolutely nothing that can keep you two from being happy."
"It's easy to say that now but--" Adaleigh looked down at the ground. "You didn't hear him the other night."
"I guess not."
"He said he felt horribly about what he said as soon as he said it." she looked down and then shook her head. "Anyway... moving forward we still have a lot to get done. But if you forgot about Laurent's birthday why'd you come by?"
"Well... I had a date..." Summer said sheepishly.
"Oh?" Adaleigh raised an eyebrow at her best friend. She knew that her friend had been down ever since Travis had revealed his true colors.
"Yea..." Summer hesitate for a moment, a small smile playing on her lips. "I'm seeing J Huntington III."
"J?" Adaleigh tried her best to keep a light and easy smile on her face. She had heard about J. "But isn't he a bit of a player?"
"Yea, I know that he isn't the most commited person but well, we're having fun and with everything that happened with Travis... well, it feels good to be wanted... and after that. We'll see where it goes."
Adaleigh searched her friends eyes but all she saw was contentment. It was probably best if she let her friend be happy for now. "Ok, but I swear if he better not hurt you. Or he'll have to deal with me."
Summer grinned. "I'll let him know."
A small sound came from the porch and Adaleigh looked over. Collin had managed to open the front door and though the door had swung closed behind him he was kneeling down trying to come off the porch.
Summer smiled. "Looks like you are about to have your hands full."
"My little mommy's boy." Adaleigh murmurred as she stood.
"I have to head home anyway. Just wanted to stop by for a little while." she stood up as Collin came over. "Hey lil squirt. I gotta run home, you be good to your Mommy."
"Bye, come by whenever and be sure you text me all about your date. I have to live vicariously through you now."
Summer laughed.
"Auntie Sumner go home?" he asked as he looked up at his Mommy as Summer walked away.
Leaning down, she picked up Collin. He seemed to be getting heavier and heavier every day. "What's wrong my little otter?"
Looking at his face she was amazed at how much like his father his eyes were.
"Mommy...Chocolate hurt my tummy..." Collin fussed.
I'm so glad they were able to work it out. And as a mumma of two rascal toddlers I agree, sugar is a bad idea. Colin is so adorable and I love the way you write through the toddlers' eyes. Sorry if I'm spamming you with comments haha I just love your story!