1.18 Next Generation of Ideas
A few nights later, on a rare occasion that Laurent wasn't working overnight, the entire McGinnis clan actually managed to sit down for dinner. Adaleigh felt blessed that she had been able to manage to get them all together. But the decision of who should be her heir still weighed heavily on her mind even as she happily ate the taco cassarole that Laurent had prepared.
"So," Laurent broke the silence first. "Have you kids given any thought to what your mother talked to you about?"
Cameron and Laura exchanged glances and Collin kept happily munching. It seemed for a moment that no one was ready to begin the conversation that had been weighing on everyone.
Finally Laura broke the silence, "Well, of course, we have been thinking about it, Dad. It's about the only thing that we have been thinking about."
Cameron sighed. "I thought we would need to give a presentation like mom though."
Adaleigh shook her head, "Well, not to me. But to the Simsville Council, they will have the ultimate say so on who gets to head the next build project."
"Well, I'm glad it's not a presentation. I've mostly been thinking about school," Collin joked through a mouthful of food. "And how hot Aspen Landgraab is."
"Seriously, Collin, out of your league," Cameron said leveling a hand at his brother and raising his eyebrow.
"Collin, the Legacy is very important to me and I'd appreciate it if you would take it seriously." she said sternly.
Laura nodded vigorously. "Yea, besides, Aspen has waaaayy better taste than to date a plum head like you."
Cameron laughed.
"You know, if you'd just bother to introduce me, I bet me and Miss Aspen Landgraab might just have a whole in common."
Adaleigh wasn't really sure how the conversation got so off topic.
"I happen to be one of the cooler kids in our grade." he saiD smugly. "Especially when you consider Cameron over there."
Laura pressed her hands to her temple as if she suddenly had a massive headache. "Sometimes, Collin, I just can't believe you. Why was I cursed to be born five seconds after you... Oh I know maybe because you're big head didn't allow anyone else out first?"
When the triplets got going (ok seriously when Collin and Laura got into was more like it) sometimes, Adaleigh decided, it was best to just wait out the storm. Patiently she just looked at her eldest son.
Collin laughed silently at that one. Then he looked over at her smiling but obviously trying very hard to be serious he sobered for a second.
"I have given some serious thought to the Legacy, Mom." he said then and Adaleigh gave him a skeptical look. When he grinned widely from ear to ear, Adaleigh was very concerned.
"I'm listening," she said summoning her patience.
"I think Newcrest needs...."
"....an arcade!"
By now most of the kids had finished their food, even Adaleigh was finished. Laurent had gotten up to start taking the dishes into the kitchen to wash them and Cameron was collecting the rest. He stopped when he heard his brother's announcement.
"Are you serious, Collin?" he said sounding dismayed.
Adaleigh looked at her middle son. "Ok, Cameron, we don't need commentary, especially if you don't want Collin to chime in on your idea." she said mildly.
"So, if you were the Mayor of Newcrest, how would you propose we build this arcade." she said turning her attention back to him.
"I don't know. I figured that I would need to write up a proposal and request a grant from the Simsville Council to fund it in the same way they funded the building of the park." he said, grinning somewhat foolishly.
"I see. Well, if that's true. You would need to present why it would be an asset to the community as a whole, who would utilize it and how will it make Newcrest stronger as a community." she said and then she looked around at all her kids.
"Ideas are great, but to be Mayor you need to think through what you want to accomplish. The Simsville Council will only pay for so much, honestly I funneled quite a bit of my own money into the Park while we lived there and Simsville only granted me the money necessary to complete it because I donated all that I built up before them." she looked at Laurent.
"She's right. We even had to fainance the house we're living in now from our own funds. The land and its entire construction." he chimed in.
"So Cameron," Adaleigh turned to her middle son as he sat back down at the table. "What ideas have you been rolling around."
"Well..." Cameron hesitated for a moment.
"We need more housing in Newcrest. The housing at the edges of the neighborhood that Simsville constructed is nice and all, but their small condos and not really fit for families. If we want to attract a more family friendly crowd to Newcrest, especially those trying to get out of the high crime areas, we need housing for them." he stated plainly.
He looked down at his coffee. "As to funding... I think we could fund the building of the houses. They would need to be low income, so we could save up and build the houses over time and only request a small stipend for furnishing from Simsville."
"That's an interesting concept, Cameron. But I have to admit that might be difficult. Your father and I are barely managing the bills for our current home without setting aside money to pay for new housing." Adaleigh said consideringly.
"We could help."
"Are you serious, Cameron?" Collin said mockingly mimicking his brother.
"Collin," Adaleigh said warningly.
Cameron looked down at the table. "Yes, I'm serious, Collin. We could all get part-time jobs and funnel the money into a savings for a neighborhood building project."
Turning, Adaleigh looked at her middle son, consideringly. "That's a very well thought out plan. But it would be alot of responsability."
"You would still be expected to maintain your grades even if you took on a part time job." she said, already warming up to the idea. "But I like it. You would all learn some responsability as well, which will help you when you're all on your own."
"Mom, on our own? You can't be serious." Collin said.
"Yes, Collin, I am serious. Your father and I won't be around forever." she said matter-of-factly. "At some point you three wil be on your own. Hopefully with families of your own someday."
She turned her attention to the last of her children. "Well, Laura, my only girl, that leaves just you. Have you thought of anything to present to the Simsville Council?"
Laura stood and took a seat directly across from her mother.
"Honestly, Mom. I want to take myself out of the running. I love Newcrest and all, but I'm not interested in running the place. I really think I want to be a painter, or a fisherman, maybe both. One thing I do know is I want to travel. If I were to take up the Mayoral mantle I couldn't do that." she said plainly.

Adaleigh considered her daughters words silently. She had suspected that at least one of her children would decide such a thing. It had been percisely why she and Laurent had decided to leave it up to the children in the first place.
"So wait, you're going to give up being the one in charge of an entire town to travel as a hippie gypsy fishing artist?" Collin asked her incredolously.
"Collin."Adaleigh objected. Laurent just laughed.
"It's ok, Mom. Collin doesn't understand that not everyone thinks the same way he does." Laura said good naturedly. "And as to paying for housing in Newcrest, I love Cameron's idea and I would love to get a job and support Newcrest in my own way."
She looked pointedly at Collin. "I was actually talking to Aspen about getting a job at this boutique she works at over at Magnolia Promenade. She says they're always hiring and I know she could get me a job too."
"Well, I guess that settles it. Collin, Cameron, you two will have to put together final presenations to present to the Simsville Council and if you need any pointers or would like your father or I to look over them we would be happy. But for now, it's all up to you." she smiled at her two sons.
"I'm very proud that you two decided to apply yourselves. As to part time jobs, whether or not Simsville selects Cameron's builds or Collin's... I think you should start looking. Having the responsability will be good for you all."
The kids went off to finish their homework, start looking for jobs and otherwise wind down for the evening. Laurent and Adaleigh cleared away the last of the dishes and then decided to settle down for a movie before going to bed.
Cuddled on the couch, Adaleigh felt at peace.
"Didn't I tell you?"
She turned to look at her husband. "Yeah, you were right, there was nothing to worry about." she agreed happily.
"I knew that the kids would have too much of you in their blood to let us down." he said confidently.
"Yes, although Laura surprised me." she said thoughtfully. "A fishing artist?"
Laurent raised an eyebrow slightly and nodded. "Guess, she got a little bit of dreamer from both of us. But if anyone can do it... Laura can."
Adaleigh nodded.
She reached out and grabbed his hand and Laurent slid both his down to hers as well.
"We have some amazing kids who can dream big. I've never been so proud in my life." she said happily.
"Me too." he reached out and brushed her bangs out of her face. "But now I wonder... if I can have some alone time with my amazing wife."
She smiled. "I'm all yours, Mr. McGinnis."
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