2.10 Will You Stay...?
Madeline slept well into the next day. She slept as if she had never slept before and when she woke up, she felt as hungry as she had ever felt. Probably best to get some food she thought and took a good look around the all pink room. She had been in Laura's room before, they were friends after all, but it was totally different being in the room as a guest and living in it.
Even if she had only been living in it for one day.
She wandered out of the room and through the living room. Laurent was sitting down watching television. He had never spoken much to her before and she wasn't quite ready to speak ot him yet so she walked outside to stand on the porch. It was early afternoon... probably just after one or so she thought. The sun was up and the people were out by the lake.
The McGinnis yard was quiet and empty. They must have packed up the tables and things she knew had been back here yesterday while she slept.
"Madeline...." she turned and saw the Laurent had poked his head out the back door. "Your mother's here. She wanted to see how you are feeling."
How was she feeling? She thought. She didn't really know. On one hand she felt grateful that Cam had come when he did. And on the other she was in this giant house where she didn't know what she could possibly contribute even if she wanted to... Wait did she want to?
She realized that she was lost in her thoughts she hadn't answered Laurent. "Ah, yea, I'll be right there." she answered and he turned leaving her alone.
What did it matter what she was thinking. After all, Cam had just taken responsability for her because he was there when she fainted. And, sure, he said that he didn't care about what she had done but she had done it. There was no taking it back. She shook her head at her idle thoughts and turned to walk into the house and out to the front where her mother was standing.
"Hey, you look a lot better." she said simply, Stella Beavers was never one for many words. Surprising really since her aspiration was to be a Best-Selling Author, but then again, most of her words were saved for the page.
"Hey, yourself... did I look that bad last night?" Madeline replied.
Her mom hesistated. "Well, it was quite the scare when Cameron comes out my little girl all passed out."
She looked down at the floor and then awkwardly hugged herself for a moment. "Look, Maddie, I... I'm really sorry that I put you in that position. I should have..."
"Mom, no stop, it's ok."
"But Maddie.... if I hadn't..."
Madeline hugged her mother. "Mom, don't blame yourself. We did the best we could."
Stella and Madeline remained that way for a long time just holding on to one another.

Finally the two pulled apart.
"So... Adaleigh," it felt strange to call her that but it was what had been asked of her. "She told me that you and DaQuin have a place to stay?"
"Oh yea, Mrs. McGinnis, has been the best. DaQuin and I are staying in a nice rent-control apartment just before you hit the edge of Newcrest. Apparently she knew the owners and they were looking for a superintendant, so I'm 'supering' in exchange for my rent. It's great... I'll just have to work on improving my handiness because the other apartments need a little TLC. Not ours though, it's in wonderful shape."
"And how's DaQuin doing with it?"
"He loves it." Stella said excitedly. "It's a two bedroom, so he's got his own room for now. That is until you decide if you're moving back in with us. I know Mrs. McGinnis mentioned that you might be thinking about a place of your own too. Whatever you decide, honey, know we're ok."
Madeline smiled. "You want to come in for a little while?"
"Sure, I can do that." Stella said.
When they walked in, they found Adaleigh sitting at the island.
"Madeline, glad to see you're up. Laurent told me that your mother came by. It's good to see you again." she nodded amiably at Stella and then she looked back to Madeline. "There are lots of leftovers from the triplets' big party in the fridge, Laurent and Laura cooked way too much, why don't you grab a plate."
Madeline nodded and headed to the fridge as her mother wandered over to talk to Adaleigh. She knew she was the one staying here but she still felt a bit awkward. When she opened the fridge she realized that Adaleigh was right. There was so much food in the fridge it was amazing the doors even closed.
Grabbing some chicken, she decided to sit on the couch and watched as her mother and Mrs. McGinnis chat. Adaleigh and Stella got on famously, thankfully, the two spent the time Stella was there chatting and Stella even made the two of them drinks.
It was almost five o'clock by the time Stella left for the day. Madeline who had been sitting on the couch munching and channel surfing had been too lazy too put her plate away. It sat on the table in front of her and she stared at it contemplating her feelings. As she did, Cam sat next to her.
"Hey, you're awake. You look like you're feeling a lot better," Cam started amicably. He had the most amazing smile Madeline thought. "Are you feeling better?"
"Yes, I feel much better. Probably another day of rest and I will be back to my usual self." she looked down at the empty plate on the table. "Especially if there's this much delicious food in the house."
Cam laughed. "There's always food in this house." he winced, as if he just realized what he had said. "That is... my dad, he's always in the mood to cook. It kind of goes with having a chef in residence..."
He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "That's not much better is it?"
Madeline laughed. She just couldn't help it. He was so hopelessly awkward.
"Cam, you are the most awkward person I know." she said when she finally stopped. Thankfully he didn't look afronted. In fact, he looked rather pleased with himself.
"I know it's difficult to understand, but this is why I never told anyone about my living situation. You don't have to walk on pins and needles with me. I was homeless, but my family got by." She looked down at the floor. "It made me make some rash decisions, sure; some I'm not really proud of but... well, it was what it was. And it's not that way anymore thanks to your family. So don't worry about it okay?"
Cam looked at the plate on the table and picked it up. It shimmered because it was so clean. "Wow... you were very hungry." he said.
She smiled. "That's what happens when you sleep an entire day away."
This time Cam laughed. "Hey, I'll just clean this up and do you think we can take a little walk? Are you up for that?"
Madeline thought for a minute. A walk sounded nice. "Yeah, I think that is exactly what the doctor order."
Cam smiled, "Well, I would be lying if I didn't tell you that Dr. Riddle did actually suggest we make sure you walk in between resting but I just want to get out right now. Thought you might like it too."
The laziness in her prompted her to add. "Ok, I'll do as the doctor says as long as we're not going far."
"No, not far at all," Cam stood and walked to the kitchen. After a quick and efficient wash, he came back and taking her hand walking her down the back steps towards the lake. Neither of them noticed the small look his mother gave them as they walked past them.
"This has always been one of my favorite spots to be. I used to fish right over there late into the night when we lived on the Park lot and walk home in the dark." Cam said as they walked up to the lakeshore.
Madeline tried to picture it. It was easy enough, she and Cam had been in elementary school together as well. He had always seemed so relaxed and pulled together even then. She saw him standing right where they were his eyes intent on the lake, waiting for the first bite.
She would have to admit there had been a number of times she had stood on the road and watched the quiet Cameron fish intently his mind on only that. That and the solitude. She had always found Cam's need to find the quiet refreshing. Especially compared to his louder and often opinionated brother. Even Laura could be a little too expressive for her taste sometimes.
"I used to fish here for hours. I loved the silence, the steadiness of the water. But it's not just that... this place has a lot of meaning. You know, this is where my Mom first asked my Dad out too. Right by this lake." he said nonchallantly pulling her thoughts back to the now.

They both stood in silence for a long time. Madeline's heart began to race slightly. Was he going where she thought with that....?
The sun around them had begun to set and already over the other houses the moon had just begun to rise. It was so quite and peaceful. But Madeline felt anything but calm now. She felt tingles running throughout her body. Her skin had prickles. Maybe it was the coolr breeze but she knew that it was really Cameron. His presence, his words and this morning.
Finally as the moon rose in front of them, Cam spoke.
"Madeline," he said, clearly very serious. "I know that my mom said that when you're cleared that you could go home but..."

Turning towards her, Cam took her hands in his very gently and looked her directly in the eye."Well, the truth is I don't want you to leave. I really want you to stay.... and be my girlfriend."
"Cam...." Madeline didn't know what to say.
"Mads...please... will you stay with me?"
Madeline stared at his sweet and earnest face and she pulled her hands away folding them in front of her. Really it had been something she had been thinking about since she had first woken up this morning. All day she had worried and fussed in her head about how she could help out here. And now Cam was really asking her to stay. Asking her to be a part of his life, a major part of his life. And yet she hesitated. "Are you really sure, after everything?" she asked looking down at the ground.
"I really meant it when I said that I didn't care about what you had done. You did it for your family, Mads, not to hurt me or my family. How can I not...love..." he stopped awkwardly and then apparently agreeing with himself nodded and continued. "How can I not be in love with a girl who does so much for her family. Family is important, and you are important to me. I want you to stay with me. Will you?"
She just couldn't resist. "Yes, Cam. I would love to stay. I would love to be your girlfriend. I...I love you too."
She leaned over and kissed him softly on the cheek. He really was the sweetest thing--
As Madeline pulled away, Cam leaned back in and kissed her full on the lips. Apparently the man that she was in love with was full of surprises.... and he was a really good kisser.
Author's note: Ok, Madeline has officially joined the family. I had so many screenshots that just featured her I knew that I needed to write these two chapters from her point of view. Hope you enjoyed it and there's more backstory of her family to come. Let's see what's next in the generation 2. One thing I know for sure. Wedding bells will be ringing soon. Wholly pose-free post. It was kind of fun just playing and getting them into certain positions for shots by using the go here. But unfortunately I will have to use some poses again next time.
And awh... child Cam, he was so cute. I forgot until I went looking for pictures of him. Adorable!
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