2.5 Not My Secret to Tell
Collin was still angry with his family for blaming Myla.
Cameron just didn't know how to talk to his brother.
And then there was Laura, caught in the middle.
As with all things in her life, she turned to the comfort of her Dad's company when she didn't know what to do. He was cooking Monte Cristo sandwiches for lunch and while normall she loved to watch him cook.
Today, not so much. And Laurent was very much aware of this.

"What's wrong, honey? You got a lot on your mind now that you're a high school graduate." he said setting aside his knives that he had been juggling in hopes to get a smile out of his little girl.
"I just don't understand my brothers." she said throwing up her hands. "I mean, there fighting over a girl and its not even because they both like her..."
"And the longer they fight, the more I worry that it can't be fixed." she continued. "I mean, sure we're all very different but they've never fought like this."
"I mean... why are they so hard headed." she said rubbing her hands on her temples.
Laurent nodded understandingly. "I can be quite confusing." Laurent agreed.

"But boys will be boys." he said opening his hands expressivly. "They might fight now but they are brothers and nothing will ever change that. Yes, your brothers are hard headed but they will get through this."
"But why do we even have to go through this." she said. "I just don't understand why they can't just let it be."
Laurent smiled at his daughter. "That my dear is pride and we McGinnis' all have it. Even yourself." he said and then he turned picking up his cutting board and moved to the stove.
"I guess." she looked down at the table and then something caught her eyes outside of the bay window.
Curious, she stood and looked more closely. Was that...?
She turned back to look at her father but as usual, Laurent was so engrossed in his cooking, he didn't see to have noticed what she had.
"Hey, Dad... I'm going to take a walk to clear my head." she said even as she glanced back out the window.
"Sure, honey, be back for lunch ok? It's going to be delicous." he said not even looking up from cooking.
"I'll try..." she responded and then headed out the backdoor.
As she stepped out onto the front porch she saw that someone was digging through the trashcan. Someone she knew really well...
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This screenshot inspired this entire arch! |
Madeline Beavers... one of her very best friends.
"Mads?" she said stepping up to the railing.
Madeline jumped startled and found looked up at her friend. Her cheeks red with embarassment.
Laura grabbed her arm unsure what to say next.
"Laura! I..." Madeline apparently felt the same.
"That is..."
For a while, the girls stood in silence neither one sure what to say next.
Laura looked over her shoulder to make sure her Dad hadn't noticed her standing on the porch. She knew this must be embarassing to Madeline and as confused as she felt, she didn't want anyone in the family witnessing this.
Finally, she spoke. "You... have time to take a walk with me?"
Madeline sighed. She apparently knew that Laura wanted to talk some more. "Yea..."
The girls walked in silence past the house and out to the lake that Laura and Cam often fished at. Once she was sure they were out of ear shot of the house though Laura couldn't help the question.
"Mads... what's going on? Why are you digging through our trash?" she asked.
Madeline didn't answer her at first. When they reached the lake she turned and faced her friend.

Laura noticed for the first time that Madeline looked extremely tired.
She looked down at the floor. "It's a long story." she said simply.

"I'm willing to listen...." Laura said.
Madeline brushed her fingers through her hair. "Well...." She looked down at the ground. "My family is homeless, Laura."
Laura didn't know what to say at first. It was the last thing that she had expected Madeline to say. "What?"

"Well, Mom's was working as a freelance journalist over at the newspaper but well they let her go. And, as you know, her dream of being an illustrious author is not going anywhere right now... So we lost the house, and everything else."

Madeline laughed sarcastically. "How do you tell your best friend, who is the daughter of the Mayor, that you've suddenly become homeless."
Laura didn't follow that one. For her it just seemed like it made sense to tell your friends when you were in trouble. "So what? You were digging through out trash for food?" Laura shook her head. "If you have just told me I would have brought you leftovers. Heck, my Dad is always cooking, you know that."
Madeline nervously squeezed her hands together in front of her and looked away guiltily.
"What? We always have food."
"It's not that." Madeline said and she looked down. She seemed to struggle with herself for a moment.
Finally she looked her friend in the eye. "I know what's going on with Myla and everything. I heard Collin and her talking at the park the other day... and, well, it's not Myla who was talking to the press."
Laura frowned. "What do you mean? And what does that have to do with you looking through out trash."
Madeline took a deep breath. "I.... I'm the one who told the press about Cam." she said hesitantly.
When none came, she started speaking quickly. "I didn't do it to cause problems. I mean, I didn't think that it would be a big deal."
"But why?" Laura asked her.
"Because...I needed the money. I sold the story so I could buy my cap and gown."
Laura closed her eyes. Of all the discoveries she expected to make this wasn't one of them. "So you were... digging in our trash for what exactly?"
"Honestly... I'm not really sure. I guess I was looking for something to tell the press... because well, right now I'm the only one making money. I work as a babysitter, Laura, the money I make isn't going to be enough. I mean I don't care for myself but DaQuin... He doesn't need this."
"You don't care for yourself? Mads, you sold a story to pay for your cap and gown... if you had come to me I would have helped you. Heck, my mom and dad..."
Madeline bowed her head. "You don't get it."
"No... please don't tell Cam!"
Laura sighed and smoothing her dress around her, she sat down next her friend.
“It’s not my secret to tell." she said quietly. "So don’t worry about that.”
Madeline nodded her head slowly. "Laura, thank--"
“But this isn’t just about you or your family or Cam either, Mads. Your secret is tearing my brothers apart. And as much as they are both knuckleheads, I love my brothers and I want them to be able to talk again. So… please be honest soon.”
She stood up and paused for a moment. " You know...This is spot... my Mom proposed to my Dad." she said quietly. "If you're really serious about Cam... you'll tell him the truth."
Sadly, Laura walked away leaving her friend sitting on the lakeshore with her thoughts. As they had talked the sun had set. It was well past dinner time now. She just hoped that her Dad wouldn't mind that she had missed his sandwiches.
Author's note: So, now to talk about the inspiration... Madeline had this very stange habit of running off in the middle of conversations with Cam. In particular, one time she ran away right after he flirted with her. So I followed her and discovered she had run to the back of the house and was digging through the trash. It was the oddest thing, which I can only explain as being because she had the slob trait. From there I started wondering what in real life would make someone run away and dig through the trash.
I went through a few different storylines (including her being a evil reporter looking a scoop) but when I saw through MCCC that Madeline, her mother and brother were homeless. I knew what the story would have to be. This chapter relied extensively on Joanne-Bernices's Expressions Pose Packs, Rethdis-love's Sorry Pose Pack and finally for the lake side sitting poses I used Eden's Star's Girl Talk Pose Pack.
Next chapter we jump into the Triplet's Birthday Bash where we age into the next stage. Hopefully Cam will take this talk about the true leak well... And Collin hopefully won't gloat... too much.
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