1.19 Presentations
With both Collin and Cameron preparing to give their presentations to the Simsville Council, life in the McGinnis household fell into an easy pattern. Adaleigh found she had time to clean house, make a breakfast and even just putter around the town.
She still liked to garden of course and had a small garden of dragonfruit plants (because they were valuabl)e and she and one strawberry plant (just because she liked them).
And the kids, went to school. Working towards getting their B grades up to A's and all three got part-time jobs too.
Laura began work at the Magnolia Promenade Boutique with her friend Aspen and she found the work busy although quite a bit stressful. Still despite this she was the first of the triplets to get her grade up to an A.
Collin took up a job as a Fry Cook at the local fast food joint. Both he and Laura worked late after school and he particularly was very unhappy about being made to work.
Cameron worked in the very early hours before class and he found the work rewarding. He was the most excited about life these days and he felt that his presentation was already coming along well.
Content with how well her kids were doing, Adaleigh was very happy when her best friend Summer called her over for a birthday party. Especially since as her build had been complete she was officially free to leave Newcrest, without any ramifications, and as long as Cameron or Collin were accepted as the next Mayor their legacy was ensured.
Author's note: I freely admit that I actually complete forgot about the challenge rules for about ten seconds and accepted Summer's invitation without really thinking about it. But Adaleigh had already completed her generations task... so it's not a complete fail. Please forgive me this slight side bar. I blame my obsession with Summer Huntington nee Holiday.
"Mayor McGinnis, you made time out of your busy schedule to come see me. Who knew?" Summer said jokingly as she walked up to front door.
Adaleigh laughed. "You think I'd forget to come celebrate you getting old?" she responded jokingly.

"Ugh, don't remind me. I'm an old lady with a toddler.... how will I survive?" she said her face growing sober.
"Hey chin up, Mrs. Huntington III." Adaleigh said. "I'm sure that you will be around for a good long time yet. After all, you work out and you take good care of yourself. We can even fix your grey hair with some handy dandy dye."
Summer smiled and then she dipped her head. "It's not really me I'm worried about."
Just then some happy babbling came from the front of the house and Adaleigh turned to see a small blonde toddler come toddling outside. J held the door opened for her and lifted a hand in greeting.
"Hey Adaleigh, glad you could make it!"
"Oh my goodness, is that Christina?" Adaleigh beamed from ear to ear and held out her hands for the toddler. "Hi, sweetie, I'm your Mommy's good friend Adaleigh."
Summer smiled. "Aunty Adaleigh is the Mayor of Newcrest, baby. She's the one who built the big park we go to somtimes."
She looked happily into the toddlers big brown eyes (she had gotten J's eyes) and couldn't help but grin. Christina remined her of her tiny little toddlers. It had been so long since she had held a small baby.
"You are just as beautiful as your Mommy." she said sweetly. "Now come on, let's go celebrate your Mommy being an old lady before Auntie Adaleigh ok?"
It wasn't long until the birthday candles were blown out and Summer was already cursing her bad back and hips.
The two friends decided to sit and talk for a bit while J worked on flashcards with baby Christina. It was nice to see that he was really trying to be a good daddy.
"Well, Laura decided she isn't interested in the Legacy but both Cameron and Collin are going to give presentations to the Simsville Council this week and then it will be up to them to build the next lot in Newcrest."
"Oh, so what are the boys proposing?"
"Collin wants to build an Arcade, believe it or not. And Cameron wants to build affordable family housing."
Summer nodded. "He always was the more grounded of your two boys."
"Yes," she nodded. "I think I know who the Council will pick... if they select on of my boys as I think they might. I just hope that when it all blows over that it ends well. They used to be best friends but now... They have a really rocky relationship these days."
"Well, despite everything, they will always be brothers." Summer said sagely. She looked over at Christina. "Sometimes I wish that we had started sooner so Christina could have that."
Mutually the friends switch topics, even venturing to talk about the fact that J would be aging up that day too and that he hadn't wanted a party because he was too self-concious to admit that he was getting to be an old man.
Despite everything, they will always be brothers. Adaleigh let those words stay with her as she headed back to Newcrest. Summer was right.
She found Collin leaning against the side of the couch watching a cooking channel. He must have been studying to get a promotion at work.
"Collin, just the boy I wanted to see." she said cheefully as she walked into the room. "Are you ready to submit your presentation today?"
"Hey, Mom, well actually I decided to take an extra day. Cameron is actually submitting his now." he said bemusedly standing as she walked over and wrapped her arms around him.
"That was good of your to let your brother submit his." she said as she hugged him tightly. "He is and always will be your brother no matter how this pans out."
"I know, Mom." he said into her hair squeezing her tightly. As he pulled back, he grinned. "Whelp, better go work on my proposal."
In their parents room, on the only computer in the house. Cameron was working diligently on sending the last of his presentation over the the Simsville Council. The deadline for submission was noon the next day so of course he was trying to be early. He didn't quite understand why Collin wanted to submist his at the last minute but that was Collin for you.
The next morning, the boys were up bright and early and so was Laura. Stepping on the porch she enjoyed the warm, fresh air. Yes, she decided, it was time to go for a jog.
Taking a selfie of herself to commemorate the healthy decision. she decided that it would be a great start to a great life. She hurried inside to change and ran into her mom.
"Hey, mom, I'm headed out for a jog."
"Oh. Mind if I come with you?"
So the two women headed off together.
Inside, Cameron feeling content with the fact that he had already submitted his presentation, was enjoying some leftover bacon wrapped asparagus as Collin walked in.
"Hey morning, Slacker Older Brother." he said cheerfully.
"Morning, Overachiever Little Brother." Collin replied good-naturedly.
"So do you think you put together a good presentation?" Collin asked amiably as he sat down next to his brother.
Cameron leaned his head side to side. "Mmm... I mean I have been working on it since the day Mom told us about the Legacy... at least on paper."
"Well sorry that not all of us are overachievers like some of us."
Cameron laughed. "You've always enjoyed coasting as the eldest. I'm just giving you a little run for your money." he took a bite of his asaparagus. "So are you ready to submit your presentation."
Collin shrugged. "I'm always ready, baby." he said grinning.
"Well, you better take it seriously." Cameron said. "It means a lot to Mom."
"Hey. Why do you think I took the extra time?" Collin said looking genuinely hurt. "This presentation is just as important to me as to you."
"It better be."
"It'd better be." Collin repeated mockingly.
"Collin, I'm being seriously."

"Oh-so-serious-Cameron." Collin said as he mimicked Cameron's stance.
"Collin, would you quit it. Go submit your presentation." Cameron said irritated.
"Fine." Collin lifted his hands theatrically. "It's going to be AM-AZING!"
Cameron just laid his head on his head.
True to his word, Collin went into the room and submitted his presentation. He worked all the way until 11:59 am befor he hit submit.
"There. All submitted."
It was all in the hands of the Simsville Council now.
Cameron on the other hand was destressing by doing what he loved and with his sisters newfound love of fishing she decided to join him after taking a jog with her mother.
"So what do you think, Cam?"
"Hmm..." he said absently. "About what?"
"What do you think about the presentations?" she responded.
"Well... its all out of my hands." he said feeling zen. "I did everything I could and that's all I could do."
And true to his word, Cameron lived his life. That evening he decided to invite over his friend Meghan over. Unfortunately for him, Meghan was not in such a great mood.
But Cameron eventually got her to smile and they had a pretty pleasant evening.
He learned that Meghan was a glutton and lazy. They didn't have a whole lot in commopn but she had always been a good friend so Cam figured he should keep an open mind. After all, his one aspiration was to find his soulmate.
Even if the Legacy wasn't for him and the Council rejected him in favor of his brother. He was determined to live his life to its fullest. Still as he sat with his dinner after Meghan had said she needed to go home, he secretly wished to himself that the Council would choose him.
He loved Newcrest and he really wanted to be part of shaping it.
Author's note: So by now I am sure that it is very apparent who shall be the next heir. I didn't pay much attention to Cameron as a toddler and as he grew up I realized that he was quiet and self-sufficient and just all around sweet. Collin was just too fussy and demanding for my liking and Laura was just too similiar to her mom for me to see myself playing through an entire new generation with her. And so Cameron wins.
Next chapter, will officially mark not only his declaration as the new Heir but also mark when Adaleigh and Laurent move into their silver elder years (which makes me so SAD). I already sneakily used a youth potion in their adulthood so I will now have to let them age as the game chooses... it makes me so sad that soon they will be moving on....
So here's looking forward to Friday when we shall declare the Heir McGinnis.
Thanks for reading!
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