2.17 Fit for a Wedding
He was mid-pancake batter when Laura hopped up on the stool next to him.
"OK, are we ready for our fittings today, Mr. Groom?" she said smiling sweetly and swiping her finger along the edge of the bowl.
Cam good-naturedly swatted her finger away. "Unsanitary, Laura." he said but he was smiling.
Laura smiled too. "It's a good thing you are in such a great mood because... we still have alot to get done for this wedding. Today we have the groomsmen tux fitting but we still have to have you and Madeline sit down and do the guest seating, music selection and cake selection."
Cam looked up at her. "Cake selection? Isn't Dad making the cakes? Dad always makes the cakes for any event we have. It's a tradition."
Laura sighed. "Yes, Cam, Dad is still making the cake... but we need to decide what kind of cake we are having him make."
Cam's eyebrows came down in confusion. "Didn't Madeline already decide that?"
Laura sighed again. "She already decided on the meal, the wedding colors, the flower designs... We sent out the invitations and organized the RSVPs... Cam, she wants you to make at least one decision about this wedding with her."
Laura smiled warmly. "You might have been but what matters is you're in it now. Madeline is so excited. She was thinking that you two should have a special 'Wedding Decision Date' on her next day off.'"
"Yeah," Cam smiled and grabbed his seasoning from behind him.
"I guess you're right. I just need to make sure that I don't get so caught up in everything I forget what's important." he looked over at this his sister who was smiling at him.
"That's my big brother." she said and then she stood up and pulled a salad kit out of the fridge and tossed it into a bowl.
"Hey, you know I'm making pancakes here right?"
Laura looked over and took a deep breath."Yes," she said with an unhappy sigh. "But there's a wedding happening in three weeks... I need to be good and get some more exercise in. So..."
She flopped back down into the sit and resolutely started munching on the salad. "Salad it is."
Cam smiled and shook his head. "Suit yourself, I'm going to have delicious pancakes...I have a feeling the next few weeks are going to be the most stressful days of my life."
Laura looked down at her salad unhappily and as her brother cooked up the pancakes the room filled with the warm, delicious smell of pancakes and she hurriedly finished it before she lost her nerve and took a plate of pancakes too. Sticking her bowl in the dishwasher she looked at Cam. "I'm going to go get Dad and Collin up. We're meeting DaQuin over at the Bridal Boutique."
Cam flipped a pancake. "Boutique? What we don't have a tailor's?"
Laura looked at him over her shoulder. "We've got to stay in Newcrest remember? They opened a all-in-one bridal boutique, the Black n' White Boutique over at Magnolia Promenade. Don't worry, they specialize in men's suits as well as bridal gowns. Madeline and I already scoped out the suit."
Cam looked over his shoulder. "I thought Madeline wanted me to make some decisions... and what's wrong with my old suit?"
Laura looked at him. "This is why I told Madeline it was a good thing you got so wrapped up. Your old suit is fine... just not for your wedding."
Cam threw up his hands and smiled. "Fine... I'll bow to this. It's a small concession."
Laura smiled as she walked down the hall to check on her dad first. She found him sitting on his bed... he had been so tired from work the night before he hadn't even changed out of his chef's jacket. "Good morning, Dad...." she kissed him soundly on the cheek and then grabbed a seat in the computer chair.
"Good morning, sweetie," he said sleepily.
Booting up the computer, she pulled up her email to make sure they were confirmed for their appointment today. "Cam's out there making pancakes... is that why you're huddled in here with a bowl of..." she leaned over. "fruit?"
Laurent laughed. "I love your brother's pancakes," he said merrily. "I was just a little too hungry to wait."
He scooped up the last of the fruit happily. "Now, I'll go out and have some of those delicious smelling pancakes."
Laura laughed. "Cam will be happy... he wasn't too keen on me munching on a salad. But hey, some of us have to watch our figures." she shrugged.
Laurent smiled affably as was his wont. "You look beautiful just the way you are."
"Thanks, Dad. Pretty sure that's something your supposed to say though."
He grinned in his winning and charming way. "It doesn't make it any less true though." and then straightening headed for the living room. "I'll make sure your oldest brother is awake then? Don't spend too long on the computer, Laura.... someone mentioned we have a full day of suit fittings?"
As it turned out, the smell of pancakes had already roused Collin by then. Sleepily he strode through the kitchen, his eyes half-awake. "Mornin' Cam..." he muttered scooping pancakes onto a plate without really seeing them.
Cam laughed. "Did you sleep at all, Collin?"
Collin grinned up at his brother goofily, half a sleep, half still in love with the night he had. "Can't say I did."
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"Myla... You look so beautiful..." |
"Myla called..."
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...My life has just begun...I finally found someone...ooh.... |
"We karaoked... all night.... I think it was 4 am... when I finally fell in bed."
Cam shook his head. "Well, I'm glad you had fun but you knew that Laura had this fitting scheduled for today. I'm the only new addition according to her... it's been planned for weeks now."
Collin stuffed pancake in his mouth and mumbled something that might have been 'I know'. Then he swallowed. "I'm just going to down some sugary sweet pancakes, chug some straight dark coffee...and I'll be good as new. Nothing to worry about."
Cam raised an eyebrow but made no further comment, just went back to munching on his own pancakes.
Laura rejoined the men, and as Collin and Laurent ate their pancakes, Cameron mused that these were the moments he loved the most. Time spent with his family was the best. He listened agreeably as Laura detailed the fitting....
Laughed silently at incredulous look on his older brother's face, when their dad, who had eaten and dressed quickly while Collin had only managed to eat half his pancakes, lectured Collin on time management....
And made sure to lovingly kiss his bride to be as....
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"Seriously...? Collin we have an appointment!" |
Yes, he loved his family.
Cam looked around, he had to admit he had never been in a bridal boutique but it was a nice space with light purple walls and stone accent walls and they were really busy.
Laurent was less than thrilled by the amount of people there already. "Don't we have a room booked for today?" he murmured.
Laura laughed, "Dad, it's a small town boutique and the only one of its kind around..."
She was in her element. She loved people, always had. "Hey Bernard, " she said cheerily, greeting the owner in his bright flamboyant suit. "My brother's wedding groomsmen are here for their fitting. I even managed to drag the groom himself. I spoke with Lisa and she didn't think it would be a problem to add one more suit."
Bernard smiled. "No, no problem at all. The men's section has been set aside for you, although we are such a small shoppe that someone might wander in to check out the suits on display."
Laura nodded. "We totally understand and really want to thank you for being so accommodating."
Laura spoke briefly with a petite dark-haired women, Cam assumed she was the Lisa that Laura had mentioned her before, who disappeared after a moment and returned to let them know that there was a a rack of suits waiting for them in the fitting room.
Sitting down, Laura did what she did best. She held court. "Madeline decided she wanted to do tan suits, not your traditional blue or black. She really wanted to do calla lily boutonnieres as well but we weren't able to find anyone who made them in the area... we were lucky to find some for our bouquets... though that was only because we went very very simplistic."
DaQuin chimed in. "Maddie's always loved calla lilies for as long as I can remember."
Laura smiled. "DaQuin why don't you go try on Madeline's first choice?" he grinned and nodded.
In a moment, he came out dressed in an all tan suit, a bright orange pocket square arranged jauntily on his chest.
"A suit?" Laurent chimed in. "When I married your mother it was in the style for men to wear a tux... in fact..."
He looked up, a suit on display obviously catching his eye.
DaQuin smiled. Nonplussed by the less than stellar praise his outfit got. He was thankfully an all around agreeable kid. "I honestly really like this one and at least we don't have to wear a tight collar with a tie? Or one those bowties that always come with a tux..."
Cam smiled. "That is definitely one plus."
For Laurent, it was pretty clear to Cam that he liked a particular style more than others. He walked away from the group and over to the displays.
"This..." he said with a nostalgic smile. "This is what I wore when I married your mother."
Laura walked over a small smile on her lips. "Yes, Dad. It's wonderful, traditional, and not what Madeline really wants..."
Laurent looked at her. "But maybe the father of the groom could wear it?" he asked, a twinkle in his eye. "I think mine would still fit. Although I think I'm a little thicker around the middle."
Laura laughed and shook her head. "Mom helped me pick out a nice suit for you... but you can always try it on if that makes you feel better.
So, of course, Laurent did, walking over to pose next to the mannequin.
"Who do we think wears it better?" he asked.
Cam couldn't help but chime in. "You, of course, Dad."
Laura smiled from the couch and shook her head. Turning her head she looked at Collin who sat next to her. "Why don't you head in and try on a suit..."
"Anything in there or do I have to wear Madeline's first pick?" he asked amiably.
Laura rolled her eyes. "Fine... no one listen to me then."
As the McGinnis men didn't seem to cooperate, Laura decided that she was just going to go with the flow. She knew that eventually they would see her way. They always did.
Before long, Collin rejoined them in a simple suit she was pretty sure was exactly like the one he had at home.
"I think I look pretty dapper." he said smugly as he grinned at himself in the mirror.
Laura only shook her head.
In true McGinnis fashion, they debated...
...tried on every suit present....
and, as a family, discussed the best attributes and FINALLY...she convinced them all to just try the suits that had been picked out. Well, at least she convinced Cameron and Laurent. Collin steadfastly insisted on wearing the suit exactly like his own.
Cam smiled as he looked at his father and him in the fitting room. He thought he looked pretty good. The darker pants gave him some differentiation from the others as the groom. He knew that he probably shouldn't have encouraged his father and his brother, but it was fun to annoy Laura especially when she kept saying that she and Madeline had a vision....
"Look at us...Fit for a wedding." he mused aloud and then noticed the leg cuffs were a little long. "Well, mostly. Still need a very small amount of alterations, huh, Dad?"
Then he noticed his father's sad look in the mirror.
"Dad... you okay?"
Laurent looked at his son, his blue eyes thoughtful and sad at the same time. "It just dawned on me that you are all grown up..." he said wistfully.
Cam laughed. "Dad, I've been a young adult for a while now... That means I have been all 'grown up' for quite sometime." he held up his hands. "I mean I am the Mayor of Newcrest, just like Mom before me, there's not much more growing you can do when you are in charge of an entire town..."
Laurent laughed as well. "I suppose so... but until this moment... You were still my little boy. I still expect to see you on your toddler bed with your food or a small toddler book. Or as a child or teenager down by the lake fishing pole in hand..."
He shook his head. "It's hard realizing that you're really older than you feel."
Cam shook his head. "Dad, you're always going to be the same man who threw me up in the air and laughed when I pulled pots and pans out of the cupboard...age will never change that."
The two men shared conspiratorial smiles and, for a moment, they were as close as two men could be.
And then door opened up.
"Hey, Laura was wondering if you two were going to come out--" Collin asked entering without ceremony as Collin was always wont to do.
"Whoa," he stopped short a grin spreading across his face and then he raised an eyebrow. "You know, maybe Madeline and Laura were right. You look great, bro. You too, Dad."
The moment broken, Cam nodded. "Laura is always right as she likes to keep telling us."
He winked at his dad. "Time to let Laura have her way... as always..."
Laurent laughed.
But as Cameron walked away, he couldn't help but follow his son with sadness in his eyes.
Cameron walked out of the fitting room, his father's sadness drifting away as he caught sight of himself in the mirror again. Although he had already seen his reflection, standing in the middle of the three mirror it really struck him. It was really happening... he was really going to marry Madeline. It was more than just a wish, a whim... it was really going to happen.
It made his chest constrict just a bit and he brushed a hand down his chest and cleared his throat.
"You look great, just like I told Madeline you would." Laura said coming up from behind him smiling and then she stopped smiling as she looked at his expression. "Cam?"
She walked up behind Cam, resting her chin on his shoulder. "You OK?" she said quietly.
"I...I'm kind of in shock. This is really going to happen isn't it?"
Laura smiled. A soft smile, that melted her brown eyes. Eyes like his mothers. Cam realized that this must have been what Laurent had felt like. But Laurent had done it all alone. Cam had his family all around him.
He suddenly thought about his parent's marriage. They had both come to Newcrest and given up everything they knew and everyone they had every known. For each other, for Newcrest. Cam was so lucky to be in the position he was in.
"Yes... it's happening... and it's absolutely wonderful." she walked around him and settling her hands on her brother's shoulders, smoothing his collar down and looking him directly in the eye.
"You better not be getting cold feet on me." she said sternly.
Cam looked at her deadpan for a moment and then a grin broke across his face. "I am so... ready to marry Madeline and I just want to say thank you. I don't know how Madeline could have organized all this by herself. Especially with me being so distracted."
Laura smiled. "Of course...honestly... it's been fun."
Cam shook his head and then he pulled her in close for a hug.
"Really, Laura, thank you."
"You're my brother, of course... I love you, Cam, and I am SO happy for you and Madeline." she said leaning into the hug.
Smiling she pulled away. "OK, so the suit is all picked out. Now we just need to get Collin into his and get everything fitted correctly so Lisa has time to get them done before the ceremony."
She turned around waved Lisa over.
The fitting progressed smoothly... but it was still almost dinner time by the time they arrived back at McGinnis Ranch. DaQuin joined them for dinner and Cam reveled in his family.
Sometimes he mused... you had to realize how wonderful your life is and just enjoy it.
Author's note: I love the McGinnis family. They just lend themselves to being that wonderful family that bicker about everything and still somehow love and support each other. In this chapter I did use a few poses all for the final exchange between Laura and Cam. I'm going to miss Laura when she finally has to move on... Anyway, musings for another day. For the exchange I used, Au Fil De Sim's Encouragement Pose Pack, Paranoid Princess' Tie My Tie Pose Pack and Hugs by Randy Pose Pack. I really love how this came out, most specifically I love all the in game screen shots that just lent themselves to show you how these guys all autonomously act. Gotta love them. Thanks for the read, hope you enjoyed it too.
And, of course, a massive thank you to the creator the set for today's story.
The Black N'White Bridal is originally by Yourock142 on the gallery. I only edited what the mannequins were wearing and redid some wall paper outside that apparently I didn't have in game. It's beautiful and perfect for what I needed. :)
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