1.20 Heir McGinnis, Part 1
Bright and early the morning of Laurent's birthday Adaleigh was awake and baking. It amazed her that so soon, it was time for Laurent to become an elder and tomorrow she would join him on that road.
As she mixed the cake, she hummed to herself. Before long, the kids were up amd they started milling around the kitchen. Collin and Cameron began blowing up balloons, some left over blue/turquoise from their own birthday party and Laura put together one of the streamer signs.
Since Laurent always worked nights, they knew that they had a little time before he pulled himself out of bed. Today he also had to work at noon, so the birthday celebration would have to be a early one.
Unbeknownst to the rest of the family, Laurent snuck out of his room a little earlier than planned and saw the family getting prepared and Laura practicing her birthday celebrating.
He loved that his family loved him and decided he would let the kids "wake him up" whenever they were ready.
Soon enough, Adaleigh went and brought him out. He found they had pulled out a counter and placed their decorations on it.
Adaleigh and Collin played the horns as they walked in as if they were annoucing the arrival of a king. "Happy birthday, Dad!" the triplets said together.
Laurent smiled and thought about what he would wish for. Laura broke loud into a happy birthday song. He loved his life, the children he had been so uncertain of had become the light of his life. It was so funny to think back to when Adaleigh had told him they were pregnant and he had felt like his life was over.
And now these kids were his entire world. It was amazing how much one grew as they aged. And with that clarity he knew what he would wish for.
He blew out the candles, his entire being and hope that whatever deity, Watcher or otherwise, would do their best to make it come true.
And with that, he entered into the creaky-backed age of being an old man. To Adaleigh, he looked just as distinguished as ever with his dark grey hair.
"So what do you think of your old man?" Laurent asked jokingly. "Still in love with me."
She smiled.
Leaning forward she kissed him fondly on the cheek. "As a wise man once told me, you look as handsome as the day we met. I love you, no grey hairs will change that."
She looked at him worriedly. "Are you sure you don't want to have friends over tonight to celebrate?"
"Why? Tomorrow, we're going to have your big birthday shindig and all my friends will be here to celebrate you joining me in this creeky age." Laurent smiled good naturedly. "I just want to enjoy this day with my family. After all, we're not going to be around forever right?"
So they sat down to eat cake for breakfast and Adaleigh and Laurent enjoyed their children.
Later, Laurent helped Cameron finish his homework.
And then he headed off to work, to be a Pastry Chef. With any luck, he might be able to get one more promotion in his career in his lifetime and he aimed to work towards it with all his energy.
After Laurent left for work, Adaleigh stood in the kitchen and made herself a cup of tea. She thought about her husbands words and realized he was right. They would not be around forever and with the decision for the heir almost complete, she felt their was one thing left that she needed to do.
She went to sit at her computer and she began to write.

Outside, Laura and Cameron were enjoying the pond. They were really bonding and it was nice to have a sibling who was not in competition to talk to.
"Oh, hey Cam, Madeline and Aspen want to come over. You mind if we hang out with them?" she said as she looked at her phone.
"Sure." he said, trying his best to sound casual. He looked down at the water, he knew Aspena and Madeline both and thought they were really nice. And maybe if he were lucky one of them might be interested in a date. He knew he was ready for that but had yet to find anyone interesting to him or interested in him.
"They're my friends, so just do me a favor and be cool. Don't try and be all suave like Collin thinks he is ok?" Laura said, obviously knowing exactly where her brother's mind was.
Cameron sighed. "I'm not going to try and be suave."
"Well, good, being yourself is the best way for a girl to be interested."
Cameron grinned and jokingly placed a finger on his lips. "Hmmm... just be myself... Such sage advice. When did my baby sister become so wise?"
"I've always been wise. You and Collin are usually just too busy fighting over being top dog to notice." she said mock humbly.
"Sure," Cameron said docilely.
"It's true!" she said adamantly.
Cameron smiled and looked over her shoulder. "Don't look now but Aspen is here."
Laura turned. "Oh yea! And Madeline too! Hey girls!" she waved as she dashed across the lot towards her friends.
Turning as she arrived, she gestured to Cameron. "Girls, this is my brother Cameron. Cameron, Aspen and Madeline."
He smiled. "I know, Laura, we all go to the same school together you know?"
Laura just smiled and turned to her friend Aspen. Apparently there was a lot going on at their job and girls had a lot to discuss about a certain regular who liked to come in a "browse" all the time.
Cameron looked at Madeline who was standing by herself. "You want to go inside and watch some TV with me?" he asked casually. No time like the present to get to know the girls better.
"Sure," she said just as casually and the two walked around the house to the front door.
As they walked Cameron felt he should say something. Anything. Suddenly he felt very nervous and very anxious.
Play it cool, Cam.
"So.... how's life?"
He wanted to face palm.
But as they walked in the front door, Madeline looked around and did a small spin stopping in the dining area. "Wow, this place is huge!" she said lifting her arms.
"Oh, I guess it is." Cam looked around. To him it was home and just the way it was.
"My mom worked real hard for this place as Mayor and she and Dad designed it all from scratch together." he said, proudly.
"Wow, that's amazing that your Mom was so driven."
"Yea, she always has been as long as I can remember. Even when we used to live over in the small house that's now the greenhouse in Newcrest Park & Gardens."
"Wait, you lived in a greenhouse?"
Cameron chuckled. "Well, it wasn't a greenhouse when we lived there but it was converted to one afterwards. I used to sleep in the room that is the glass hothouse now.... with Laura and Collin of course. And my parents... all of us in a single room."
Madeline smiled. "That's crazy.
"It was an interesting way to grow up for sure." Camerone mused. "But we were all very happy. Mom had her garden project, dad his cooking and Collin, Laura and I had each other to play outside. Best way to live."
They moved over to the couch and before long Aspen joined them to watch TV. Laura excused herself for a bit saying she needed to do a little homework.
Cam wondered what his sister was up to but it gave him a chance to get to know the girls better so he wasn't complaining,
Aspen was friendly enough but it turned out she was a bit hot headed.... and way too interested in the cost of their television and couch. Materialistic much? Still she seemed nice enough most of the time. She always had the most hilarious clips.
Cameron learned that Madeline was romantic.... and a bit of a slob. She seemed really interested in him though. Maybe after a bit... he could ask her out?
Just as he was thinking that, Madeline stood up and asked Aspen if she could see her for a minute. "I want to show you this awesome video!" she said loudly.
Secretly, Cam hoped they were talking about him.
Yea, I think I will ask Madeline out.
The rest of the afternoon was uneventful and soon Laura joined them again. They watched a movie and hung out.
By evening, Cam was headed off the bed and feeling pretty good.
But other's in the house were awake with nervous energy. Collin seemed unable to sleep and he was up late eating left over bacon wrapped asparagus.
He watched some TV.
He cleaned his shower.
He even studied up on some mischivous skills.
Finally, he snuck into his parents room and check his email. He really wanted there to be some word on the decision for the heir. In his heart, he thought he knew the answer but until he did... he would just have to wait he guessed. He wasn't really sure what he was going to do if the answer was no. Being the eldest was his identity and if he wasn't the heir to the McGinnis Legacy...
Well, that would wait until tomorrow.
For now he jumped into the chat and saw that the girl he had been talking to the other night was online so they stayed up late chatting.
Author's note: So I planned this to be one post, but the McGinnis clan had other ideas. With so much happening in these two days I had to split it in two. I promise with the next one we will officially name the next Heir McGinnis (though of course you the audience already knows lol). We need to let poor Collin off the hook.
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