2.4 Decisions of Emotion
Thursday afternoon after school, Adaleigh gathered the family together for a family meeting. Unfortunately, Collin and Cameron still weren't talking and after his conversation with Myla Collin was surlier than ever.
Adaleigh sat down between the two boys who were doing their best not to even look at each other.
"Ok, so I called this family meeting because... your graduation will be tomorrow afternoon. Your father and I will of course be attending but the real celebration is happening on Saturday at your Graduation/Birthday Party and we need to discuss guests."
Neither boy said anything and Adaleigh looked back and forth in concern.
"It's going to a great celebration... but I really do need some input." she said enthusiastically swinging her arms.
"I know who I want to invite but I don't think anyone in this family will hear me out to allow it." Collin said finally speaking.
Adaleigh sighed. Apparently, this was going to be a very turbulent family meeting.
"Mom, if I may?" Laura said with a conspiritial smile.
"The floor is all yours Laura." Adaleigh said.
Laura stood and turned to face her brothers. "Look, I get that this Mayor thing is a big deal. And yeah, so it was released early who got it and some people think its unfair because they don't understand. But you two are brothers and one of the first thing Mom said was that would never change. You need to man up and make up."
Having said her piece Laura shooed Collin over on the couch.
Cameron immediately turned away.
"I'm not the one who is being unreasonable." Collin said.
"For once..." Laura agreed under her breath.
"Look, I know everyone here thinks that Myla is the one who talked to the press but I talk to her. She said she didn't and I believe her." Collin said defending Myla.
"Really, Laura is right. Why is it such a worry that the town knows early who the new Mayor of Newcrest is."
"It matters," Cameron said looking at his brother, "because we were supposed to present a unified front to the public. Letting them know that no one was overlook and that everyone had a fair judging in this."
Looking back to his father, "Instead, now the entire town thinks that I somehow unfairly took the spot of Collin, heir apparent, despite the fact that I worked very hard to earn my title."

"Eloquently speaking, Mayor McGinnis. But my point is, whatever the reason we are upset at the press release... Myla didn't do it."
"Then who did?" Cameron asked.
"Does it really matter?" Collin said resting his hand on his hand in frustration.
" After all, our unity as a family should be the most important thing," Adaleigh said speaking strongly.
Collin agreed but he still couldn't shake the feeling that they were being unfair to Myla.
"Mom's right, family should be first." Cameron said and Collin found himself becoming even more irritated.
"Yeah, well, what about my feelings. Shouldn't my family care about them." Collin said aggrivated. "I... I care about Myla. Heck, I might even be in love with her and no one here cares."
"In love? With the woman who betrayed our family?" Cameron poked and proded and Collin really couldn't be held accountable for what happened next.
"She DIDN'T talk to the press! For the last time." Collin shouted. "I talked to her and you know what? She was hurt that I would even think that. Her brother is the heir to the Landgraab Enterprises and she lives in a mansion larger than our little mayor's estate--if you can even call it that-- why would she want to?"
"I don't know to discredit and family who is up-and-coming in the politics of the Sim's world."
"That's ridiculous. The Landgraabb's own more property and have a much more establish legacy then us... why would we be a threat?"
"I don't know, Cam. You would have to ask her." Cam replied.
That was the last straw. Aggravated past the point of reason Collin stood and started storming to the door.
Cameron put his head into his hands but Laura, Adaleigh and Laurent all followed his worriedly.
"I'm done trying to reason when it seems no one is going to take my side." Collin said over his shoulder.
"Collin, where are you going?" Adaleigh asked.
He turned and look at them all angrily his hands on his hips.
"Oasis Springs to find Myla. After all, I'm not the heir. I can leave Newcrest whenever I like." he said waving sarcastically.
"Don't wait up."
As soon as the door slammed behind him, Laura turned on her other brother. "I can't believe this. You can't just forgive and move on? Now Collin is going to do Watcher knows what!? Get off your high horse, new Mayor McGinnis. He's your BROTHER!"
With that Laura stormed down the hall. Turning she looked at her mother. "I'm going to invite Raymond Luke, Madeline Beavers and Aspen Landgraab, I hope no one minds."
Another door slammed down the hallway, as Laura locked herself in her room. Most likely she began a very angry picture in there.
Cameron looked at his Mom and Dad but neither said anything.
"I really just wanted to invite Madeline." he murmurred and then dejected he walked to his own room and closed the door.
"Well... that was the least productive family meeting ever." Laurent said jokingly. "At least we know who the kids want to be there..."
"Oh Laurent... are we being ridiculous about this press release?" Adaleigh said looking at him dejectedly.
"Well..." Laurent took Adaleigh's hands in his. "Maybe it doesn't really matter who released the news about the Simsville council decision. And maybe we need to stop concentrating on who but how we can get in front of this. Why don't we start off the party with a press release and have Collin and Cam speak about the decision?"
Adaleigh nodded. "I guess you're right."
Laurent hugged her lovingly and kissed her on the cheek.
"We'll survive this. We McGinnis' are a strong bunch. Hardheaded sometimes... but strong."
Adaleigh laughed. "I blame teenage hormones."
* * *
It was almost 11 by the time Collin found her.
After his argument with Cameron, he had taken a bus all the way to Oasis Springs and talked to her brother and sister, who hadn't seen her since that morning. The trip took nearly a half hour and it was a wonder she made the trip every morning just to attend Newcrest High.
Malcolm answered the door, looking worried and a bit worn out. When Collin asked about Myla he began looking worried and a bit frenzied, nervously pushing his glasses into place. "Myla? No, I haven't seen her since this morning. I assumed she was with you. She has been staying in Newcrest with you late more often then not these days."
Apparently Myla had shared their little talk from the day before. He asked them where she liked to hang out and looked all over Oasis Springs but had had no luck. By now, she must have returned home, he thought when he saw it was 10:00 pm and he just didn't think he could face her siblings again.
He was just heading home from the bus stop when he decided to take a detour through Newcrest Park & Gardens. Maybe it was the urge to return to hte scene of the crime or even to just relive the few moments of bliss when he had kissed her. But something led his feet there... and then he saw her looking beautiful in the moonlight.
She was looking up at the night sky, her brown eyes serious. He almost wasn't sure if he wanted to interrupt her thoughts... but he really needed to apologize. Even if she wanted nothing to do with him from now on. He needed to.
"Hey..." he said nervously as he walked up beside her.
"Oh... hi." she turned to look at him one hand going to her chest, possibly from surprise.
For a while the two of them just looked at each other. Neither could find any more words.
"Look, I know I'm not your favorite person in world... but I... I wanted to apologize. I should never have accused you of talking to the press. It was stupid. After all, it's not your style."
She just continued to look at him and he found himself rambling.
"Anyway, I'm just trying... that is. I'm sorry Myla."
Collin didn't know what else to say. Should he apologize for kissing her? It had been the only one moment of happiness he had had in the last few days but he had forced her so he should.
"Want to sit down, Collin?"
He looked up in surprise to find her pointing to the table next to her. Her quiet words cut his thoughts short and he nodded.
So he climbed up on the table next to her. He looked up at the sky and saw only inky darkness. "Do you come here often?" he asked somewhat jokingly.
"I like to look at the pirate ship." she said simply and Collin thought there may have been a slight laugh in her tone.
He couldn't bring himself to look at her at first though. He just looked at the pirate ship his own expression serious.
Again Myla started. "We have a similiar one in Oasis Springs and when I was a kid, my favorite thing in the world to do was to play pirate with my sister on it. I was always captain. Then when Mom and Dad passed away and Malcolm took over Landgraab Enterprises I would just go back to the pirate ship and sit on it and think."
She looked down at her lap.
"It's not easy... having such a legacy over your head." she said to herself. "Malcom, my brother, he's a shell of himself these days... always nervous, always working. That's why I was relieved when you told me that Cam had earned the title of Mayor."
She focused her eyes back on the pirate ship mast. "I didn't want what Malcolm was going through to become you..." she murmurred.
Collin looked over at her then. She really cared.
Slowly he placed his hand on top of hers. She was amazing.
Myla glanced down at his hand on hers, a small bit of surprise in her eyes.
"I'm sorry." Collin said again earnestly.
A small smile curved onto her lips. "I know.... and it's ok."
The two of them sat listening to sound of the crickets as everyone else in Newcrest was sound asleep. There weren't any other words that needed to be said and it felt nice to just sit with someone for a while.
Finally Collin hopped off the bench and reach out a hand to help Myla down. "Come on, I better get you back to Oasis Springs. I went by your house earlier and you're probably giving Malcolm grey hairs now."
"You're probably right.... but Aspen will calm him down. She always did when I would go sit on the pirate ship. She's a good little sister."
"Wait, what?"
"You didn't know? Aspen's the younger twin. She looks older because her face is longer but I'm the middle child. Right behind Malcolm, although he was an teenager when we were born." she laughed.
"No... I really didn't." he also didn't think it was wise to mention that intially Aspen had been the one he was interested in.
"My parents loved each other and had two more little girls in the last of their adult days...It shocked a lot of the people in Oasis Springs." she laughed wholeheartedly. "Actually... it's my birthday in...a few hours. I was born at 1 am. Soon I'll be an young adult. You're not going to stop liking me because I'm older are you."
Now Collin recovered. "Of course not, my lady." he said and bowing his head he kissed her hand. "Besides I'll be a young adult in two days. You're not that much older."
Myla laughed. "You're such a flirt."
"You'll be there at the birthday bash?" Collin asked.
Myla looked concerned. "You sure that's a good idea... I mean, doesn't Cam still think that I'm the one who talked to the press... and what about your mom and dad and sister?"
He looked earnestly at her. "I really don't care what they think. I just want you there."
She smiled. "Ok. I'll be there... I promise."
Collin smiled. "Ok, so just one more question... can I ... can I kiss you... again?"
Myla smiled. "Yea."
Author's note: So this turbulent chapter utilized a lot of Parenthood pack interactions (which I happily just added to my collection), which really helped Collin have a full teenager meltdown. Cameron surprisingly was just as emotional. Teens... am I right? Hopefully these two can get their hormones under control by the time the birthday party rolls around in two Sim day's time. Tune in to see.
For this last portion, I utilized. mssodi May I have a Seat? Pose Pack which I found on Lana CC Finds here. I also used Joanne Bernice's Walk and Talk Pose Pack again specifically the couply poses.
Hope you enjoyed!!!
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