2.16 New Avenues
Cam woke the next day feel revived and refreshed. He slept in a little later than usual but after getting sick he expected that it was part of the healing process.
Jumping out of bed, he walked down the hall and grabbed his usual cup of tea with every intention of standing on the back porch as usual. Sure it was almost 8, but he could still enjoy the peace, the solitude and the sunshine for a bit before the house came back to life.
"Morning, Tiger!"
He nearly spilled his entire cup of tea on his slippers.
"Watcher! Collin! Seriously how old are you?" he growled in discuss at his sibling. "I can't believe you're the oldest one."
Collin grinned, that charming confident smile that he had always possessed, the one that had made Cameron, ever the introvert want to glare even more. "What, I just thought you looked ready and raring to go. Thought I'd give you some motivation."
Cam rolled his eyes and sipped his tea. "Well, you definitely got my heart racing."
Collin bit into his BLT and smiling walked away to plop on the couch and catch the sports report on the news. "Always glad to be of service!" he called over his shoulder.
Cam rolled his eyes again and taking a deep breath of his tea he stood for a moment watching his brother lounging on the couch. He did feel ready to tackle things today. Taking his tea, he went back to his room and rolled his plans out on the table in front of him.
He studied the first of the three designs carefully and then scrolled through the messages on his phone. He had hoped his mother had forwarded the contact information to him early this morning. He had groggily heard the phone ping but hadn't had the energy to check the message to make sure. Sure enough, there was the message forwarded. Even sick and in bed, Adaleigh was nothing if not efficient.
He wondered if his dad had wrestled the phone from her or if he had been the one to forward it just to keep his headstrong wife at rest. Cam could imagine it going either way.
Still smiling, he leafed through the paper printout of the approved contractors from the Sim Council. Sure enough, on the last page (because the contractors were in alphabetical order) he found Dylan Wahl listed. "Sim Council approved." he murmured looking over the small jacket of information that the Sim Council had provided.
On paper, Dylan seemed like the perfect candidate.
Time to make a call.
The phone rang twice before a gruff voice picked up. "Wahl Construction, this is Dylan speaking."
"Yes, hello, my name is Cameron McGinnis, I'm the Mayor of Newcrest, the new neighborhood project funded by the Sims Council. I was wondering if you might have time to meet to see if you'd like to take on our latest project."

Cam grimaced. "Unfortunately....there have been some complications with our original contractor."
"I see...I'm not sure I'll be able to squeeze you in. I've got quite a few bids on my hands at the moment."
"Oh, I see." Another snag. "That's too bad. You came highly recommended from Mrs. Pancakes, a family friend, and I was really looking forward to meeting with you."
"Wait...Did you say Pancakes? Eliza Pancakes?"
Cam smiled. Maybe all hope wasn't lost. "Yes, she's a dear friend of my mother's the first Mayor of Newcrest."

"I'm just looking at my schedule. I have a job close to Newcrest this evening around 5 pm... I can probably stop over around 3 pm and see what the job entails and we can go from there?"
"3 pm?" He frowned, part of him had hoped to get some wedding planning done today but... It would have to wait one more day. He could do one more day. "Great."
Cameron rattled off the address to McGinnis Ranch and he heard the sound of pen scratching on paper.
"I'll be there at 3 pm sharp." Wahl said. " Now, Mr. McGinnis, I can't make any promises but I am most definitely interested in hearing out your plans. I heard about the Newcrest Park & Gardens and visited myself so I'm sure that the designs you've done will be interesting to say the least."
"I'm very proud of my designs. I look forward to seeing you later today."
Satisfied, Cam gathered together his plans. He decided he would head into the kitchen and see about grabbing some breakfast. He found Madeline in the kitchen, a brown paper sack on the counter and smiling he kissed her gently on the cheek.
"Hey, what are you up to?" he said leaning on the counter.
She smiled as she looked at him. "Good morning, Cam, you seem cheerful. I decided to pack a lunch. Since I started working at the Dish I realized I need to up my culinary skill even if all I really want to do is work behind the bar."
He grinned from ear to ear. "Oh? What did you make?"
"I just did a simple hummus and veggies... nothing too daring. I was thinking I'd be nice and make one for Collin too... Does he like veggies?" Maddie grinned sheepishly and turning away from the counter she looked at him fully. "Also does your cheefulness mean you figured out the problem you were having with the contractor?" she asked him raising an eyebrow.
Cam grinned."Collin's not much for veggies but beggers can't be choosers. And yes, I have a meeting today."
Madeline pouted her lips a bit but she smiled.
"I know, I know. We have a date set in three weeks. I promise you tomorrow that I will start tackling all the wedding things... In fact, I plan to spend the whole day tomorrow, if you'll just give me a list."
Madeline smiled then a real, full smile and shook her head. "You'll have to talk to Laura. You McGinnis' love your lists and organization. She's been helping me with everything. I know we have the flowers and the decorations done and I got my dress and the fitting... but..."
Cam couldn't help himself. She looked so beautiful right there and he just had to kiss her.
Madeline stopped mid-sentence.
When they pulled apart she looked into his eyes and just grinned. "Wh-What was that for?"
He smiled back at her and put his forehead to hers. "Just that I can't wait to marry you."
"I can't wait either..." then she looked at her phone. "Oh, but if I'm to get Collin's lunch done I better get to work. I promised my mom and brother I would go over and see them today beforehand."
Cam reluctantly let her go and watched while she made Collin's lunch. He figured he was just about the luckiest guy in the world. His sister was at work so he couldn't get started on much for the wedding while he waited for his meeting but he sent her a text and figured she would get to it on her break.
While he waited around the house, he laid out the plans on the dining room table and looked them over thoroughly. He wanted to be prepared to answer any questions about the design when Mr. Wahl arrived.
Promptly at 3 pm, the front doorbell rang and he walked outside to see a rugged man standing on the front porch. As Cam opened the door, he stepped back fist still in the air prepared to knock. He wore simple jeans and a simple blue t-shirt layered with a red leather jacket.
"Mr. McGinnis?" he asked politely, he voice having just a slight tinge of southern accent as it had on the phone.
"Mr. Wahl," he said holding out a hand to shake. "I'm so glad you could make it. I laid out the designs on the table. I figured we could look over those first and then I'll take you to the sites."
"I mean... if that's how this works..." Cam smiled sheepishly. "I have to admit, the last contractor was vetted for me and I'm not really sure how this is supposed to work."
Dylan smiled. He couldn't help it.
"Every contractor works a little differently." he admitted. "Personally, the client is the most important aspect for me. But I also would really like to see the sites you plan on using so I can get a better overall feel and I can make educated suggestions for any changes we might need to make sure your plans really fit how you need the lot to function."
Cam nodded. "That sounds reasonable to me. Come on in." he opened the door and Dylan followed him to the table.
As they entered Dylan paused in the doorway, taking in the overall open concept of the house.
Cam paused, watching his dark brown eyes seriously study the space and a frown knit Dylan's eyebrows together. He cleared his throat as he sat down at the table. "Can I offer you some water, or soda or... juice?"
"No thanks, I'm on my way to meet another client for a working dinner so I'll be fine."
Cam nodded and sitting across from Dylan he unrolled the plans on the table. "So I designed the outside look of the houses and had an architectural student lay out the blueprint plans."
Dylan nodded and leaning over the table he looked over blueprints. As he quietly looked them over, Cam felt himself feeling very nervous. He wasn't sure why but it really mattered to him that Dylan thought his plans.
After browsing over all of plans, Dylan looked up at him. "It's clear that a lot of time and effort went into making these plans."
Cam took a deep breath. "Yes, I did. It took a long time to even find the right inspiration. So...?"
"Think we can head over to the lots so I can see where each of these builds will go?" Dylan said and Cam realized he wasn't quite prepared to give any more feedback yet.
"Yes, of course." he tried to hold back his disappointment. "They will actually be going up directly across the street, between here and Newcrest Park & Gardens."
They walked across the street in companionable silence.
"So the three house designs will go here and we'll be alternating the designs across the bridge to expand the Newcrest area for more families as well. The largest house will be situated on the corner there next to gardens with the single story house on this lot and the two story lot here beside the bridge."
Dylan looked around at the three lots, his eyes serious, his mind obviously measuring, thinking and processing. Cam felt as if he might burst out from the inside. Maybe it was a left over effect of the cough medicine he had taken but he felt like he was buzzing. He normally felt wonderful when he was outside, there was just something about the outdoors that energized him, but today it was almost as if he could help but feel animated.
"There is one more thing, I have to admit. The previous contractor expanded the Park & Gardens just recently. We opened a Soup Kitchen and well.... I don't know if you are aware but he was actually let go due to... budgeting issues."
Dylan raised an eyebrow. "Do you mean, he cut corners on some projects for the Sim Council?"
Cam looked surprised.
"In my business, it's good to know the competition." he shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. He swung around towards the Park.
"So was he the original contractor that your mother had build the park?" he asked as they walked towards the gardens.
"Actually, no. He came highly recommended through the Sim Council, just like the original contractor that my mother used, so I just went ahead with what they had said. I honestly had never even met the guy." he smiled. "I'm trying not to make the same mistake twice."
Dylan nodded, as if he totally understood.
"Here we are."
Dylan looked around. "Is it true that the structure of the greenhouse was originally the structure you grew up in?"
"Ah, yes, yes. In fact, the greenhouse portion was my bedroom. Well, mine, my mother, fathers and siblings. One bedroom, 4 sims. It was quite crowded."
Dylan smiled. "Got to love a structure that has such an interesting history. So the add on is there in the old arboretum?"
"Yes." Cam followed Dylan across the park as he strode with confidence. "We didn't change the overall stucture, just added the islands, plumbing and kitchen hardware. He finished the job in less than a week, which at the time I thought god send but..."
"Now, you're wondering if it's structurally sound." Dylan finished.
They reached the Soup Kitchen. With the temporary closure of the park, Cam it was quiet for mid-afternoon. Not exactly what they had planned when he and his mom had brainstormed the Soup Kitchen. It was supposed to add to the park, give people a space to have family and friends and even help out those who didn't have much.
Dylan walked around looking at the counters. He grabbed the edge of the island and shook it and even opened the cupboard to look at the plumbing under the sink. Finally, he walked back around the counter sat in one of the bar stools. Cam joined him.
"Well, good news is that it appears most everything I can see is up to code... " Dylan said as he looked over at Cam.
"And the bad news...?"
"There's a lot of unseen sections that need someone, a professional with standards to look over and make sure its up to code. Fortunately, its a small project so we can definitely get it up to code within a couple weeks."
Cam frowned. "A couple weeks?"
"Yes... would that be a problem?"
"Well, I'm getting married..."
"In this park. In a couple weeks."
"Oh." Dylan put a hand on the back of his neck. "That is definitely a time crunch then."
"Look, Mr. Wahl," Cam began.
"Dylan, please, I don't stand on formality if I can help it."
"Dylan, I have to be honest. I want you to take the job. You came highly reccommended and I've got a good feeling after meeting you. But it wouldn't be fair if I didn't let you know what it entailed. So tell me... what are you thinking?"
"I have to admit, Cameron--"
Cam shook his head. " I go by Cam."
Dylan nodded. "I can see that you are passionate about the designs and the park. You're thoughful in your placement and I can see us working very well together."
He paused a moment as if considering his next thought. "I don't often take jobs for the Sims Council."
"I find the council to be full of stuffed shirts, who don't really know the people they build for or the land they are building on. All they want to do is talking. Yada yada..." he made a gesture with his hand. "But they don't even know what they're talking about.
Cam snicked under his breath. He sometimes felt that way too but he would never have had to guts to say something like that outloud.
"So, Dylan... will you take the job?"
"Cam, I think once I get on the horn and I call in a few favors we can have this place up to code in time for the wedding and then, once the honeymoon is over, get started on building the first of your model family houses."
Cam smiled. "If you can get this place up and running for the wedding, I'll invite you myself."
"I wouldn't say it, if I didn't mean it."
"Then you're hired." The two men grinned and shook hands. As they did, Cam phone went off in his pocket. It was Laura. Of course. His sister "inspiration" must have struck on lunch break now that she knew he was on the wedding band wagon.
"I'm afraid, I have to get that. I'll be right back. Feel free to look around the park and let me know if you have any questions when I get back." he said as she slipped off the stool and strode towards the entrance of the park.
Alone, Dylan looked around satisfied. He had a few minutes before he left so he decided to use it to check out the original structure. Houses had always fascinated him. What fascinated him most was how houses could hold a history all their own even long after the original owners vacated the property for one reason or another.
It was the reason he insisted on getting to know his clients personally. Only when you know your clients will you truly be able to give them what they truly want and need. Dylan prided himself on being an excellent judge of character and he felt that Cam, a man who had come from a home, which had become the cornerstone of this community would be a willing participant in making these houses they were building homes for their future residents.
And he looked forward to the challenge.

Wandering inside the greenhouse, he looked at all the plants growing. Planted here by the loving hands of Adaleigh McGinnis himself, he knew. Everything about this place spoke about care and selection.
His eyes wandered upward at the glassed and latticed ceiling. As his mind began to whirl, he looked over his shoulder as Cam walked inside.
"Sorry," he grinned. "Wedding plans. My sister is helping to plan the whole thing and I finally let myself get dragged into it. Tuxedo fitting tomorrow... and then a cake tasting."
"Well... at least there will be cake." he said good naturedly.
"Thank you, by the way, for agreeing to meet me."
"Thank you for the job. I better get going. I have to meet my other client for that working dinner. One thing I love about working with restaurantuers. Whenever they want a reno it means free food for me."
Cam laughed. He was really looking forward to getting to know Dylan.
Things were looking up for Cameron. A contractor hired. A tux fitting tomorrow and a wedding on the horizon. Could life get any better?
Author's notes: Special thanks to LegacySims2017 for loaning me Dylan Wahl to be my contractor for my second generation house building arc. I have to admit, he builds some sexy sims. Check out his site for some amazing SimLit! We will be seeing more of Dylan as Cam embarks on completing his Big Happy Family Aspiration and since I am attempting my best to make this seem more real time and less sims time, those houses will be being build over time. I worked very hard on how this will progress and am looking forward to showing off all that I have worked at.
Also no poses, but... I showcased my own CC. I recolored AroundtheSims IKEA Assembly Instructions. A feat I am extremely proud of as I even found some Simlish and spent some time deciding what kind of handwriting Cam has... I'm not even joking. I have a whole word document with everyone else's handwriting selected too... just in case. I am WAY too involved in details like that I'm sure... but anyway, until next time! Thanks for reading!
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