2.7 A Night to Remember
With Laura's help, Laurent had soon prepped all the food and just had his tortellini left. He looked at the time and realized it was almost two. The planned to start the party at 3 and have dinner at 5 after some short addresses to the press and the guests.
"Laura, after you finish that you can head to your room and get dressed, ok, sweetheart?" he told her.
"You sure Dad?" she said looking over.
He grinned. "I got this. Besides, I plan to stay in my chef's dress for the rest of the day and I know for a facr, you have a swonderful outit planned."
"Thanks, Dad," she said kissing him on the cheek.
As he put the last touches on his lobster tortellini, outside Adaleigh and the boys had finished decorating the yard and it was time to greet the guests.
Adaleigh, Cameron and Collin had worked hard on setting out candles on every table and plate settings for everyone. They had also set out, an outdoor bar and a stereo for the occasion. Everything was set.
As always the Huntington's were the first to arrive. Summer and Adaleigh shared a hug and the two talked for a while as some of the other guests filed inside.
Aside from the usual guests, the Huntintons, the Pancakes, Tim, this time Adaleigh had also invited some fellow politicians and the local press. Victor Feng, from San Myshuno, looked less than impressed but his wife Lily seemed to approve of the house.
Both Aspen and Malcolm Landgraab seemed to like the decorations.
Soon everyone was mingling in the backyard and it was time for the addresses to begin.

She looked pointedly at the news reporters who had been specially invited. "We realize that there has been much buzz in the media speculating about the drama going on within our family and today we would like to speak that."
"As such, my son Cameron, who was selected by the Simsville Council committee for his bid to the next Newcrest mayor will speak first. Then my eldest son, Collin will speak next on his feelings of the matter."
Cam stepped up to the podium and took a deep breath and he looked around at the guests. Today was the day he had been dreading and hoping for. Thankfully with all his nerves, he still remembered what he had wanted to say.
"Newcrest, is a place dear to my heart." he began. "It's the place that myself and my siblings grew up in and I want it to be a place that more families can grow up in. As such, I proposed to the Simsville council we build affordable family friendly housing."
"The McGinnis family will be funding the structural build of these houses from our own funds and the Simsville Council has graciously agreed to cover the cost of furnishing."
"It is our hope, that the Newcrest Community will inspire surrounding neighborhoods and that we can create a family friendly, safe neighborhood in this new place that we are building. As Mayor I will make it my duty to answer the needs of our community and I hope that everyone will join me in that journey."
"Mayor McGinnis, Ciara Smith from Sims News Network, what about rhe allegations that you stole your position from your eldest brother."
"Yes, of course." Cam swallowed hard. This was the hardest part. "Both my brother and I wrote proposals for our plans as the new Mayors of Newcrest. My plan as I just outlined was the one selected by the council. Collin was unfortunately not selected.... but... I will let him speak more on that."
"Collin McGinnis, everyone."
Collin and Myla shared a small glance and then he took his place on the podium.
"Thank you, Mayor McGinnis." Collin said as he walked up to the podium. "Now everyone has been asking since the news aired, if I have been ok with being quote-unquote 'pass over.' It was always expected that as the eldest, I would take on the mantle."
"But the truth is, my brother is more prepared than I ever have been or was." he grinned roguishing. "Now I understand the disappointment, who wouldn't want a handsome man like me as their leader."
He paused for a beat and everyone laughed.
"But Newcrest is in the best hands with my brother. He's smart, intelligent and very passionate about this wonderful community that we were lucky enough to grow up in."
"And I know I for one, am very proud of my brother for his accomplishments and I cannot wait to see what he accomplishes next." he grinned and looked over the crowd.
"As to whats in store for my future, there was still many things I want to do and I am looking forward to discovering what else there is for me in the future. But I hope that you all will support my family in this transition and allow us the time to move Newcrest forward. Thank you."
"My father and sister, have been slaving away most of the day and there is a stereo ready to go. So let's... start this party. Because I know you all came to hear the speech but you all stayed for the delicious food and the rocking party celebrating our birthday as well."
The crowd cheered and with that the party was underway.
Almost immediately, Myla, J, Lily Feng and the news reporter jumped on the floor to dance.
Everyone else joined in, though Eliza and Bob seemed more interested in each other than actually dancing. Their kids ran off to play with Christina almost immediately. Apparently all things were good in the Pancake household. Summer and J danced too but J was apparently getting old and his hips were giving up.
Inside, Adaleigh was entertaining the Fengs and discussing politics.
"Your family all seem very passionate about your community. I quite look forward to seeing how this community progresses and you simply must come to San Myshuno sometime so we can show you all the wonderful things we have accomplished in the city."
"My husband and I would love to come, but I am afraid that the newest Mayor is not allowed to leave Newcrest until his obligations to the Simsville Council are completed. Still I would be most happy to be a liason to San Myshuno for him or one of my other children might be able to do that. It's something we'll have to discuss as a family."
"My the Simsville Council does expect alot of their politicians here." Victor commented.
"Yes, well, our other local communities are not very family friendly or safe due to the crime rates, so we are working hard at making a community that is safe. We just recently had a local hospital built and a police force that has been designated to our area specifically."
"Well, I think it's admirable." Lily Feng interrupted her husband. "You don't find many politicians who care so greatly for their community. Too many are too removed from their constiuents to notice what their community really needs."
"Here is Newcrest, we are part of the community." Adaleigh said smiling.
Outside the food was finally ready and Laurent called everyone to the meal.
Everyone enjoyed the meal...
But unfortunately a few of the guests couldn't wait to eat the birthday cake, so there was no public birthday celebration. With all the partying, Laurent didn't have time to make another massive cake. So Collin slipped away and made a simply hamburger cake, reminiscent of their childhood birthday cake.
After all, the rest of the guests had left for the day, Collin brought it out and placed some candles on it.
Collin blew out the candles first. He aged up and became a creative, slob, romantic. Although he still currently possessed the Chief of Mischief trait, only time would tell if that was his true want. The one thing he had wished for... well that was a story for another time.
Cam blew out his candles next. He aged up and became a outdoor-loving, creative, family oriented sim. With the Legacy over his head, his newest Aspiration was to have a Big Loving Family. The first goal in his mind was that he needed to find a spouse to make that dream come true... but the only person he could think of was the one person that hadn't been at tonight's party.
He frowned as he stepped aside to let Laura blow out her own candles.
Of all, the triplets, Laura had grown to be the most independant and self-sufficient. When she blew out her candles, she aged into a creative, romantic with a perfectionist streak like her father. All the makings of a true artist, it was time for her to drop the angler wish and just take off to become a fabulous artist. Maybe she would head to San Myshuno...
As she stood, and the trick candles relit, she realized that Cam had walked away to seat himself at a table and blown out all the candles. Time for a little sisterly intervention. She smothered the candles out this time, and taking them off carefully, cut a slice of cake for herself and sat down next to her brother.
Collin feeling the pull of his siblings sat between them.
"Some party, huh?" Cam said half heartedly as his siblings sat down with their cake.
"Yea," Collin agreed. "Some of the dancing got really crazy... I still can't believed that everyone snuck in the fridge and ate our massive birthday cake though."
Laura laughed. "Well, Dad does make a mean cake. It's hard for us to resist much less people who don't get to eat his foot every day."
"Yea..." Cam agreed and Laura and Collin shared a look.
In silent agreement, Collin stayed eating and Laura turned to her brother. "Hey, Cam, can we talk... just us two?"
"Uh, sure."
She pulled him off the side, "Look, Cam, you and I both know exactly why you're so moppy..."
"Yea? Is that all you can say?" she said tartly. "If you miss her so much, then... bro... what are you doing here?"
"But with everything..." Cam said sadly.
"Cam, I'm going to ask this not as your sister but as your friend. Do you want to see her? No matter what may have happened?"
"Well... yeah... but Laura."
"But Laura nothing! Cam... do you know what this means?"
"It means I am a gullible idiot..." he mumbled.
"No. It means you love her." Laura gripped her brothers arms tightly. "We can never help what we feel but I know you and you will not be moving on from her... you need to go to her."
Cam laughed. His sister always had a way with knocking some sense into his stubborn head.
"Thanks, Laura."
"Don't thank me until the wedding bells." she said smugly as she watched her brother walk away.
Cam found Madeline in the greenhouse, just as he thought he might. She was pulling some blankets from a plastic container and laying them down on a tarp that had been laid out of the floor.
"Still looks the same to me, even with all the windows."
Madeline turned startled and grabbed her arms to her side self conciously. "Cam... I... I didn't think I would see you today."
Cam looked around the room. He wasn't actually sure what to say.
"Well technically, its tomorrow," he said mostly because he didn't know what else to say. "It's after midnight now... Party ended really late."
"Oh... yeah. I hope that went well."
"Well truthfully..." he walked closer to her. "It kind of sucked because the entire time I had someone on my mind..."
"Oh." Madeline looked down and fidgetted with her fingers.
"Mads... All I could think about tonight was how much I wanted you to be there in the crowd." he placed his hand on her shoulders. "I still don't understand why you did what you did but... well... I want to understand."
"I did it for my family..." she said looking at him earnestly. "Look around, Cam, during the day all this stuff is stashed in the orchard. I shower at school, lunch at school is pretty much the only meal and my little brother, is starting school in hand me downs from my deadbeat dad."
"My life... honestly... sucks, Cam." she looked down at the ground. "It's nothing like your life as the new Mayor of Newcrest. We have nothing in common."
She took a deep breath and then cringing she grabbed her stomach.
"Mads?" Cam leaned forward and grabbing her shoulder brushed her forehead with his hand. "Are you feeling alright."
"I'm fine, really. Just a little hungry..." she said holding herself close.
"Madeline..." Cam didn't say anything more. He just pulled her close. As he did his heart sang. This is what he wanted. This is what he needed. He needed Madeline.
"Oh." a female voice interrupted them and they both pulled apart and looked over their shoulders.
"Hmm... looks like we should go wait outside." Stella Beavers said a small smile on her lips. DaQuin, Madeline's younger brother, just looked embarassed.
Cam turned back to Madeline. "I guess that's one way to meet your family."
"We'll just be outside." Stella said and DaQuin grunted.
"I didn't know that DaQuin had gotten so big." Cam continued as they walked away.
"Uh, yeah, he just aged up into a teen the other day... its been full on mood swings since. Wish that he..." she stopped and grabbed her head.
"Madeline are you sure you're ok?" Cam asked and before Madeline could even answer she passed out on the floor.
"Madeline!" Cam kneeled down and anxiously felt her forehead. "She's burning up."
"Stella! DaQuin!" Cam turned to look over his shoulder but neither of them could hear him outside the greenhouse. He was afraid to move her but more he was afraid that if he didn't get her help right away she could get even worse.
Carefully, he lifted her up.
And he carried her outside.
Outside, her mother and brother turned when he eased her out the door.
"Oh my goodness... Madeline." Stella reached out a hand to her daughter then she looked up at Cam. "What happened?"
"We were just talking and she collapsed. She's running a fever." he looked at her mother more directly. "She said she was hungry... when was the last time she ate."
Stella looked around overrought. "I...I... I really don't know. DaQuin and I were out at the gym getting in a shower. We grabbed a snack there. She's been really distracted since this morning when she went to talk to you and she said she needed some time..."
"Is... Is my sister going to be ok?" DaQuin said meekly.
Cam looked at the young teen's eyes. "Yes." he said simply because he couldn't accept anything less.
"I'm taking her to the hospital. Will you two go to my house... let my parents know what happened and where I'm headed. You two can stay with us tonight... we'll figure something out for you tomorrow but you're not staying out here tonight."
He looked at Stella who nodded tightly. It was clear that she wasn't used to being helped but that she also couldn't deny him. Not with her daughter in such dire condition. She might have pride but she really did love her children.
"Just... take care of my sister." DaQuin said squeezing his hands together.
"I will."
Author's note: Phew... it's finished. Will update the poses used above soon. Hope you enjoyed!
Update (10:11 PM): Okay, so for this story utilized, the camera man pose from vielsiel's Breaking News Pose Pack during the mayorial speeches, Rethdis-love's Sorry Pose Pack for Madeline and Cameron's talk in the greenhouse and Sandy Sims Storytelling Pose Pack for the fainting attack. I also utilized Something Wicked Sims' Situational Talking Masterpack for a few minor talking sequences throughout and the mother and brother's reacitons. All amazing pose packs and lots of thanks to their creators!
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