2.6 Always Brothers
As was always the case, when a birthday was happening, the McGinnis household was up and bustling.
Laurent had already positioned himself in the kitchen and he was busy baking a cake and cooking up the rest of the gourmet food for the party that afternoon. Laura was helping her Dad in the kitchen by playing sous chef and chopping the produce for the garden salad.
Adaleigh was outside directing the placement of the rental banquet tables and podium for the festivities
As neither Cam nor Collin had spoken since their disagreement and as such they were giving each other plenty of room. They were both supposed to speak that afternoon before the dinner but as usual Collin had "finished" his work early and was hanging out with Myla on the back porch.
Cam had spent the morning locked up in his room working on his speech, but feeling the need to be closer to his family, had parked himself on the kitchen bar and was staring down at the counter thinking. He had written a few lines but he still wasn't sure exactly what to say.
"Cat got your tongue?" Laura asked him without evening looking up from her slicing.
"Wha--? No, I mean, yes, I-- I'm still figuring out." he defended.
"You're not nervous are you?" she asked looking him in eyes quizzically.
"Nervous...? No." he sighed. "OK, maybe a little. It's the first big speech... The first of many."
"Yep, better get used to it, Big Bro, it's the life you chose."
Cam smiled ruefully. "Yea I know. You know your cutting the tomatoes unevenly right?"
Laura glared at him. and tossed the tomatoes in the bowl. She loved her dad but she was no cook.
"You know you're giving a speech today right?" Laura retorted, a smart aleck grin spreading across her face.
Cam was the best of the three of them and he would have happily taken over but Adaleigh had forbidden him to help until he was prepared for the press conference.
Just then the doorbell rang.
Laura had already begun wiping her hands on her jeans and was walking towards the door when Cam sprung up and raced past her to the door. "I'll get it!" Cam called over his shoulder.
Laura shrugged nonchalantly and turned to walk back to the kitchen. "OK."
"Hey." Cam opened the door and was pleasantly surprised to find Madeline standing there. "I wasn't expecting to see you until this evening."
"Uh... yeah, I... I needed to talk to you." she said hesitantly.
"Oh, did you come by the help? Because I'm sure Mom would love a hand outside to hang banners and put table clothes and such." he said sincerely.
Madeline backed up and leaned against the closed door. Suddenly she seemed very uncertain of how to proceed.
She took a deep breath and then stepped forward looking at Cam seriously.
"Uh, no, Cam I just came by because there's something I need to tell you." she looked around hesitantly. "Um... do you mind if we sit?"
"Yeah, of course."
They sat at the dining table and Madeline took a deep breath. "Oh your Dad's food smells wonderful."
"Oh, yeah Dad is baking a three tiered black and white cake this year. One tier for each kid you know, to celebrating us becoming Young Adults. And he's making lobster tortellini... it's going to be great."
"I'll bet." Madeline smiled, but it seemed stiff and forced.
"Anyway, you said you wanted to talk... what's on your mind?"
"I....I don't really know how to start," she murmured again smiling in that forced way.
Cam frowned. "Just start at the beginning."
Now Madeline really did laugh. For Cam things were always so simple. She loved that about him.
Madeline caught her thoughts and realized it was true. She loved Cameron McGinnis. That was why this was so hard. She didn't want him to think badly about her... But Laura had been right. That was why she was here.
She took a deep breath, preparing herself for the heartbreak to come.
She needed to jump into this with both feet.
"Myla didn't talk to the press." she said simply.
"Cam.... I came by because I'm the one who talked to the press..."
Cam only stared in disbelief.
"I need the money to buy my cap and gown and it seemed harmless. I never in a million years thought it would cause so many problems for you and Collin... and poor Myla."
Cam says nothing. Madeline looks away.
" I... I'm truly sorry Cam."
In for the penny, in for the pound. "My mom lost her job and we're living on the streets now... in the greenhouse actually." she laughed awkwardly. "It's warm at night."
She looked at him but Cam's face was still expressionless. "I had all kinds of things planned to say but there's really no excuse. I... I only came to tell you the truth. All things considered... I won't be at the party tonight."
Standing just behind the chair, she hesitated before she turned to go. She took two steps and then she turned back to look at Cam. "I believe that you are going to make a wonderful mayor, Cam, and I wish you the best tonight at the press conference."
With that she let herself out the front door and Cam sat for a long while staring at nothing.
Madeline? Not Myla? .... What have I done?

All the blame he had laid at his brothers feet and really the one who had been the source of the leak... was himself? Cam knew what he had to do. He started towards the back porch.
Through the back doors, he saw that Collin and Myla were seated on the porch watching Adaleigh direct the workers hired by Simsville Council for the day.
As he opened the doors, Myla leaned over and looked at Collin. "Is your Mom always this intense?"
Collin laughed. "This is nothing. You should have seen her when they were building her park. I was only a child then... but man, she can be intense."
Cam felt bad interrupting them but he needed to apologize and now.
Sheepishly he walked out onto the porch and down the stairs to stand in front of them.
When Cam appeared in front of them, both Myla and Collin stood. Collin frowned at his brother. "What do you want? I asked Mom if Myla could come help set up, it's all been approved."
Cam sighed. This was going to be difficult. "I know. Mom told me... but that's not why I came out here."
"Then what do you want?" Collin said still eyeing his brother.
"I came to apologize." he bowed his head.
Collin and Myla both looked rather confused but game. "Go one..." Collin said simply.
Cameron turned to Myla. "Myla, I was wrong to accuse you of being the source of the leak..."
Myla frowned at him, her anger over the accusation quite evident.
"I just found out someone else.... someone I trusted.... was the source. I never should have accused you without any proof. So I'm sorry. I hope we can be civil this afternoon."
Myla looked seriously at him. "Cam, I don't hold grudges... life's too short. And you shouldn't either."
Cam looked up in surprise.
"Whoever went to the press.... I don't think they intended there to be such a response from either of you. So forgive them too." Myla smiled. "And forgive your knuckleheaded brother for being so hotheaded. Just like he's going to forgive you."
She looked pointedly at Collin who nodded.
"But please... learned from this lesson. You really hurt me thinking I would do something like that."
"Yea...." Cam was very put off by Myla's obvious anger. She was scary.
Collin laughed a little at his brother's expression. "She can be volatile... but she's right. Brothers?"
Cam smiled relieved. "Always."
And the two hugged.
Adaleigh walked up to the porch. "Oh good, I'm glad you two are on speaking terms. I need help moving all these chairs into place. Myla, Laura and I need help setting all these tables. Come on hop to it.
Collin looked mischievously at his brother. "Wanna see who can put the most chairs?"
Cam laughed. "You're on."
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