2.22 Building Newcrest
Before he knew it, Laura's things were all packed up and the moving van was outside waiting to take her things to San Myshuno. He had always known that this day would come. I mean she made it clear in high school that she wanted to get out and see the world. Paint and fish, were her exact words if he remembered clearly.
She was jazzed about the move and the choices he could tell. So inspired that she had decided randomly a week ago that she was tired of her long hair and inspired by her new life choices she had disappeared for a few hours and returned with new shot hair cut. Cam had barely recognized her... He still didn't sometimes. Soon she would be out of the house and he wondered to himself if he would even know who she was when she came back for the holidays... she would come back for the holidays, right?
Looking around the room, he watched his sister pack. She had been prepping for the last month. Between commuting and packing he felt like he had hardly seen her. Looking at the back of his sister's now shockingly short hair he smiled to himself.
"I still can't believe it..."
Laura didn't even look up from the suitcase. "What that I cut my hair? Or that I'm all grown up...?"
He raised an eyebrow and when he didn't respond Laura turned around and looked at him. "Look, Cam, I know that Madeline is pregnant but you have been practicing your Dad lines on me a little too much lately."
Cam gave her a bemused look. "My little sister is moving to San Myshuno. Maybe I want to give you a little bit of sage advice."
She looked over at him. "I'm moving to San Myshuno not the other side of the globe, Cam. I'm an hour drive away."
Turning she closed the suitcase and stood.
Standing she looked over at her brother, "You do know that you're only two minutes older then me, right? Just because you're going to be a Dad doesn't mean you have to rush into turning into an old cranky man with sage advice."
Cam smiled. "But I'm so good at being old and wise already."
Laura tilted her head as he held up a hand and shot her a grin. "I'm going to miss you too."
Walking across the room, she plopped onto the bed next to him. "You know, it's pretty amazing. All our dreams are coming true. You're building your neighborhood and making a difference here in Newcrest, continuing the McGinnis line... and I'm on my way to make it out in the world. It's exciting."
Cam smiled at her excitement. "Yeah... but... it will be so odd. This was my room, then yours... and soon... it will be the room of my child. So much is changing."
"Change is good, Cam. Change brings lots of wonderful things. You just have to embrace it." Laura said thoughtfully. "If nothing changes then we have gained nothing."
Cam smiled. "Now whose sounding old and sage."
Laura grinned not offended at all. "Again. You're only two minutes older. And I have to practice being the eccentric auntie who comes to visit and says odd, gypsy-like things to my niece or nephew."
Cam paused at that thought, a mock look of horror crossing his face because he could picture her exactly as that. "Well... I guess I can live with that... as long as you visit."

The door opened, cutting off Laura reminding him that San Myshuno was only an hour away for what seemed like the millionth time. "Of course, she's coming to visit and she better be at the hospital for the baby's birth." Madeline said as her stomach already so large, even though she had barely entered into her 9th week, made it into the room before her.
Laura gave her best friend an exasperated look. "Of course. With the biggest teddy bear EVER!"
Madeline laughed. "I'm really sorry I won't be able to see you off after the truck is all packed up."

Laura shook her head. "I still can't believe that you don't get maternity leave until after the baby is born..."
"Just how the system works unfortunately..." Madeline rested a hand on her bump. "Anyway, I just came to let you know that breakfast is ready. I'm smelly, so, since I will have to work and I couldn't wait for you two to eat, I'm going to go enjoy a nice long soak before I have to head out. Catering... in the end of summer. I am just thankful that soon fall will be here and the heat will cool down."
Cam looked up at his wife. "You're not pushing yourself too hard though right?"
Madeline smiled at him sweetly. "No, I am not, don't worry, Mayor McGinnis. Now come get the breakfast your mom made before the movers start in on all the stuff here."
Madeline left and Cam looked over to see Laura giving him a bemused look. "What? I worry. She's 9 weeks pregnant and working with food in the summer heat."
Laura shook her head and standing headed out of the room. "You're going to make a great Dad, Cam."
Cam grinned after her for a minute. A great dad...
* * *
"You know, it's been a while since we've all been able to sit here like this." Adaleigh remarked. She was thoroughly enjoying being retired, spending today in her robe as was her prerogative most days. At least until she wondered outside to water her patio garden which she still regularly tended.
"You're right, Mom." Laura chimed smiling. "I think the last time we were all here was when you were telling us that Cam was chosen by the council as the New Mayor of Newcrest."
Cam set his treat down. Laura was right. With everyone working, they all had different schedules and aside from the family meals which they had in the dining room they didn't usually eat on the island. "Brings back memories." he commented.
"Yeah," Laura laughed. "Like how angry Collin was that he didn't get the job just because he was the oldest. Do you remember how angry you were Collin?"
Laura put her hands on her forehead mimicking devils horns and making a mock angry face. "What? I'm 7 minutes older then him...how did I not get the job as Mayor just because of that...!?"
She laughed and wisely, Collin took a deep sip of his drink before he answered.
Adaleigh laughed, happy that her son had learned to control his anger and take time in responding. Cam had noticed that since taking on his music career Collin had seemed to find some stability. Especially since he and Myla had become more serious as well.They were all coming into their own now.
Laura was off to take the art scene of San Myshuno by storm. Collin was an up-and-coming much sought after violinist. And... Cam... was going to be a Dad. The thought made him pause in wonder whenever it occured to him. He was doing what he had always known he had wanted to do. Continue the McGinnis Legacy in Newcrest. Looking around the house, the house his parents had designed and built together, Cam realized that life was moving on and that they were all moving forward. All building on the foundation that his parents had laid out before them.
"Miss McGinnis?" Everyone looked over at the mover as he stopped in the archway leading to the front door. "All you boxes are packed up. We're ready to head out for San Myshuno."
Laura smiled at him. "Thanks, Marcus. I already talked to my landlord and he said he would let you in to drop off everything. I'm just waiting for..." her phone chimed and she looked down. "Oh, it's Ray. Well, looks like I'll be heading out with you. So most likely I'll only be a little behind you. Do you need me to sign anything?"
Marcus smiled. "No, ma'am. We'll see you in San Myshuno then."
He let himself out and Laura stood. Walking over to the front, she waved at Ray who came in a grabbed one of the two suitcases she had moved into the dining area when she and Cam had come out of her room. "Ready to take the world by storm?" he asked with a grin.
"Yeah, I just have to say my goodbyes. I'll take this suitcase, OK? Just... give me a minute."
Ray nodded. Cam was glad that Laura had found a ride to her new place. Ray Luke seemed like a nice guy to. He was fun and artistic just like his sister. Maybe someday they might be more then friends... or maybe not. For now his sister was happy and that was all that mattered. He must really be happy in married life, he wanted it so much of his siblings too. But that was up to them to decide if that's what they wanted as well.
Everyone who was home gathered in the entrance of the house.
"Well," Laura looked around at everyone. "I guess, this is it."
Laurent smiled. "My baby girl headed out to take the world. I'm so proud."
She smiled. "Thanks, Dad."
Collin grinned. "The world better watch out, Laura is on the loose."
Laura didn't even bother to look.
Adaleigh gave her oldest son a look but otherwise said nothing, walking over to Laura and smiling at her. "You're my only daughter and....I'm going to miss you so much...but I am so proud of you."
Cam smiled at them as Adaleigh reached out and pulled Laura into a warm hug. "I'll be OK, Mom, and I'll come visit so don't worry."
"A parent always worries, dear, it's what we do." Adaleigh said and Laura looked over her shoulder at Cam.
"I know..."
Cam shrugged. OK, so he was a worrier, just like Mom, but... in his mind it was a good thing. His mother had been a great parent and he really hoped that he could be nearly as good.
After a bit, Adaleigh let go and moved back. Cam walked up to his sister next but before he could even say a word she held up a hand. "I know, I know. Don't talk to strangers, look both ways before you cross the street and don't stay out past midnight. I'll be good, Dad McGinnis... don't worry."
Cam tightened his lips, struggling not to laugh for a moment. He was really going to miss Laura.
"Just...just go where inspiration takes you... and make sure that it brings you to visit on occasion. My kids need to have their artistic gypsy Auntie Laura in their lives."
Laura smiled. "You couldn't keep me away if you tried. Now give your baby sister a hug."
Cam grinned and obliged. "You're only the baby by 2 minutes..." he reminded her gently.
He felt Laura's smile on his shoulder. "Still...I'll miss you too, big bro. Don't worry, I promise not to be a stranger."
* * *
As usual, the weather in Newcrest was fairly consistent but... as the temperatures really soared in summer and winter was unusually cold, it seemed that things were beginning to change. There was even talk that there would be snow soon!
This winter though, it was just overly cloudy and cold. By the beginning of January, the first of Cam's model houses, the one he had nicknamed Cozy Yellow Ranchhouse, a medium sized build, quickly made it's way to completion. It was just in need of a landscapers touch. Cam planned to have Adaleigh work with the Landscapers because he knew his mother would know just what to do to make it a warm and cozy home instead of just a house.
Cam even thought he might know who would be its first resident. That was if everything went as planned for Valentines Day...
Cam could hardly wait. Building a life in Newcrest, as his parents did before, it was wonderful and exciting.
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